Current Environment:

玛姬·瑞安(Maggie Ryan)在全球卫生中获得了奖学金|概述

亚历克西斯·施密德(Alexis Schmid),玛姬·瑞安(Maggie Ryan)玛姬·瑞安(Maggie Ryan)赋予了奖学金in Global Health was created in memory of Maggie Ryan, a remarkable young woman and former intern of the Global Health Program whose life was tragically cut short in an automobile accident as Maggie drove home after her college graduation. Out of this tragedy, as a tribute to Maggie, her family — parents Ann and Tony, and brothers Matthew, William, and Thomas — created the Maggie Ryan Endowed Fellowship in Global Health.


The current Maggie Ryan Fellow, ER nurse and nurse practitionerAlexis Schmid,DNP,RN,CPNP-PC/AC,CPEN,CCRN代表那种专业和熟练的专业人员,他们将帮助全球促进母婴健康。

自2018年以来,Lexie能够利用Maggie Ryan奖学金与全球的项目,培训和临床护理相关的灵活性和资金,包括:

  • travel to Bihar, India, to design interventions to strengthen the新冠肺炎响应和紧急护理能力
  • 在阿尔巴尼亚工作世界卫生组织to support the design and implementation of a national COVID-19 vaccine efficacy trial, as well as work for the WHO’s COVID-19 specialty team in Burkina Faso, Chad, Cox’s Bazar (Bangladesh), Iraq, Nigeria, and Yemen to understand challenges faced in humanitarian settings to respond to COVID-19
  • project co-lead for a collaboration with波士顿公立学校护士实施培训,协议和支持活动,以支持学校护士在COVID-19大流行期间安全重新​​开放学校
  • research withMédecinssansansFrontières/无国界的医生调查特定的实验室测试是否可以预测人道主义和资源约束环境中儿童的严重细菌疾病
  • 在被占领的巴勒斯坦领土上正在进行的工作,包括开发和实施小儿复苏培训
  • 由小儿紧急护理中新课程的开发和飞行员的贡献者,由非洲急诊医学联合会
  • hospital system strengthening and nursing education at children’s hospitals in Ghana and Laos that provide care to underserved communities
  • 为Cox的Bazar,孟加拉国和希腊的难民营提供了技术支持和培训
  • 为医院服务和运营评估工具和框架的开发做出了贡献Palestine Red Crescent Society黎巴嫩难民营的医院
  • 灾难响应是玛丽亚飓风后波多黎各联邦医疗灾难小组的一部分

