Current Environment:


The Glioma Program at达娜·法伯/波士顿儿童癌症和血液疾病中心is one of the world’s largest pediatricglioma治疗计划。关于小儿神经胶质瘤的遗传和分子原因的持续研究被转移到床边,在那里,一些世界上一些最有经验的小儿脑肿瘤专家和儿科专业人士使用先进的技术和疗法来最大程度地提高患者的结果。

It's important to get a quick and accurate diagnosis of a pediatric glioma so that appropriate treatment can begin as soon as possible. Our pediatric neurologists, neuro-oncologists and neurosurgeons perform a comprehensive medical history and neurological exam before a cancer diagnosis is made, and our dedicated pediatric neuropathologists examine biopsied brain tissue to aid in diagnosis and confirmation of tumor type. Our glioma specialists also have direct access to New England’s only pediatric PET scan and PET fusion imaging, which provide precise anatomical images that guide our physicians’ treatment decisions.

Our approach to gliomas

Initially, low-grade gliomas are treated with neurosurgery and monitored for regrowth. If surgical removal is not an option due to the tumor’s location or if the tumor begins to grow back after its removal, our doctors may recommend chemotherapy or biologic therapy.放射治疗is rarely used to treat these tumors because of the high risk of adverse side effects and the overall excellent prognosis without radiation.

大多数高级神经胶质瘤都需要进行最大的手术切除。诸如术中的技术MRIallow our surgeons to visualize the tumor as they operate, enhancing their ability to successfully remove the tumor without damaging critical parts of the brain. Following surgery, precisely targeted doses of radiation therapy are delivered to kill cancer cells left behind.

治疗团队的核心是具有治疗神经胶质瘤方面的专业知识的神经肿瘤学家。我们的许多脑肿瘤专家也是活跃的研究人员,因此我们的患者可以使用最佳和最新的治疗方法。From there, we build a team that is best suited to carry out the patient’s treatment plan, including neurologists, neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, and radiologists. We round out the team with experts that help the child prepare for life during and after treatment, including psychiatrists and psychologists, child life specialists, social workers, nutritionists, and school specialists.


Dana-Farber/Boston Children's patients have access to the broadest set of pediatric and oncologic expertise available. The breadth of our expertise allows us to assemble a team of experts to meet the specific needs of the patient.


From there, we build a team that is best suited to carry out the patient’s treatment plan, including neurologists, neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, and radiologists. We round out the team with experts that help the child prepare for life during and after treatment, including psychiatrists and psychologists, child life specialists, social workers, nutritionists, and school specialists.

Glioma research and clinical trials

Our clinical research program offers children with hard-to-treat gliomas unique access toclinical trials. We are consistently one of the most highly funded pediatric brain tumor centers in the United States. A major focus of our research program is the rapid translation of scientific discoveries to the bedside to benefit patients. Through this research, our physicians work to improve therapeutic approaches and outcomes for hard-to-treat brain tumors.

