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我们的粪便菌群移植(FMT)和治疗计划治疗胃肠道感染的儿童,例如Clostridium Difficileinfection (commonly calledC. diff), as well as other autoimmune conditions that don’t respond to standard therapy.

Our FMT expertise

OurFMTprogram was one of the first in the country to provide fecal transplant tailored specifically for pediatric patients. It’s also currently one of only a few programs in New England that offers this innovative treatment for kids, who have different needs than adults and therefore benefit from our comprehensive treatment delivered by a team of pediatric specialists.

Our expertise in FMT draws patients from across the USA, and from around the world, to our program for evaluation and/or treatment. Our clinicians are also on the forefront of the research in this area, conducting a variety of studies to further advance our understanding of the potential粪便移植holds for a number of conditions.

How FMT works

The healthy human body contains trillions of bacteria in the gut. This environment, commonly referred to as the intestinal microbiota, plays an important role in preventing illness and disease. However, long-term or frequent antibiotic use can disrupt the makeup of the microbiota by killing the healthy bacteria. With that protection gone, dormant C. diff spores in the body, which are resistant to the antibiotics, are able to take up residence in the gut, releasing toxins that cause severe symptoms including abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever.

FMT is an innovative investigational treatment that equips the body to fight back. FMT can be delivered by capsule, colonoscopy, enema or a temporary tube placed into the stomach or small intestine. Although the exact mechanism is not known, it is thought that by delivering healthy bacteria contained in human poop to the colon of the affected child, the where it can fight the C. diff bacteria and restore a more balanced ecosystem.

Numerous studies have found FMT to be very effective in treatingC. diff. In addition, children seem to have fewer side effects from FMT than adults. This makes it an appealing option for many of our patients. Our multi-disciplinary team of experts assess each child individually to determine whether this is a viable treatment approach for his or her specific circumstances.

A Leader in Research and Innovation

波士顿儿童的领导者正在探索FMT对治疗各种疾病和疾病的潜力。我们正在进行的研究工作,由Stacy Kahn, MD, FMT Program Director, is advancing the field in exciting new directions.

Ground-breaking study of pediatric FMT patients

Dr. Kahn recently led thelargest clinical study to datelooking at the effectiveness of fecal transplant in children. The findings, which are reported in theClinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology,reveal positive outcomes in pediatric patients withClostridium Difficile (C. diff)who were treated with FMT.她还是第一份有关FMT在儿童中使用的国际指南的高级作家。

研究人员are also exploring the effectiveness of using fecal transplant for children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other forms of colitis.
