




Our team can help you work with school personnel to get the medical and learning accommodations your child needs. Here are some common terms and topics we might discuss with you:

  • 个人教育计划(IEP)或504计划——这些计划通过学校说tricts to provide students who have identified disabilities or certain medical diagnoses protection under the law. These plans allow for specialized education or accommodations to help each child reaching his or her educational goals. Both educational and medical needs are typically included in a child’s IEP or 504 Plan.
  • 扣押行动计划(SAP)– A formal, medical safety plan identified by parents and their child’s medical team that provides standardized, clear direction for schools to identify and safely manage or treat seizures when they occur in school.
  • 基于学校或神经心理学测试- 这些综合测试用于确定任何支持服务(例如IEP或504计划)是否对孩子有帮助。
  • 倡导- 这涉及为父母在学校为孩子的独特需求工作时赋予和支持父母的能力和支持。社会工作者可以在父母浏览学校系统时向父母提供指导,并可以直接与学校沟通或在适当的时候参考倡导者。
  • 早期干预(EI)– This is a system of coordinated services that promotes the child's age-appropriate growth and development and supports families during the critical early years between birth and age 3.
  • College- 癫痫和其他需求给大学成年人带来了独特的挑战。在大学卫生服务和残疾办公室注册是一个良好的开始。还有许多癫痫奖学金。


Children with epilepsy have a higher rate of mental health and behavioral issues, including depression, anxiety and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). They may also have social skills disorders like autism spectrum disorder. The stresses of having a chronic condition can add to these problems. For these reasons, children with epilepsy may benefit from extra support.

Speak with your provider about any behavioral or mental health concerns. Your team can help you connect with many types of resources including:

  • 门诊或家庭心理健康服务,包括个人和家庭咨询
  • 药物管理,帮助管理心理健康症状
  • 医疗应对诊所,这是我们的一部分门诊精神病学计划
  • 精神病学咨询服务
  • 学校服务
  • Behavioral Response Team, for children with unique behavioral and developmental needs who have difficulty with appointments and admissions

Financial support


  • Medicaid – supplemental insurance through the Medicaid program may be an option for children with epilepsy and other complex medical needs.
  • 补充安全收入(SSI)
  • Catastrophic Illness Fund
  • Financial Counseling Center
  • FMLA


这癫痫中心is committed to supporting people with epilepsy, rare diseases and intellectual disabilities. We can help families who are struggling find legal advocates to assist in getting appropriate health care coverage, immigration support, access to adequate housing or educational services. The following organization may also be able to provide help:




Watch: Educational resources




