


Poduri Lab
Ann Poduri, MD, 的Epilepsy Genetics Program图表了某些癫痫综合征的遗传基础。

临床神经生理学 /癫痫奖学金计划

这Division of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology of the Department of Neurology at Boston Children's Hospital offers an ACGME-accredited fellowship program in clinical neurophysiology/epilepsy with an optional second year for research or other subspeciality training, depending on availability of funding. The fellowship program trains academically oriented physicians to become comprehensively trained pediatric clinical neurophysiologists and epileptologists who are familiar with the state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic methods in the field.

Those who enter our fellowship have typically completed their training in child neurology. By the end of their year of training, fellows are eligible to take the clinical neurophysiology or epilepsy subspecialty boards of the美国精神病学委员会,如果他们以前已经完成了神经病学认可的居住计划。目前,每年提供四个第一年职位。



  1. Outpatient:研究员阅读所有门诊和卧床脑电(不包括住院长期监测研究)。这些研究首先是由研究员阅读的,然后在同一天对他们的神经生理学家进行了审查和解释。我们每年进行6,000多种此类研究。该轮换还包括由该部门负责人和其他临床癫痫学家监督的半天连续性癫痫诊所。
  2. 住院癫痫手术服务:During this rotation, fellows are involved in the clinical care of癫痫patients admitted for various reasons, including long-term video EEG monitoring for characterization of clinical发作非侵入式和侵入性pre-surgic集al evaluations, and admissions for seizure exacerbations or initiation of the ketogenic diet. Fellows interpret all inpatient long-term monitoring studies with an attending epileptologist. They also go to the operating room for intraoperative electrocorticography, placement of intracranial electrodes, or for resective epilepsy surgeries, and assist in extra-operative functional brain mapping.
  3. Epilepsy Consult/Medical Service:癫痫咨询服务看到医院的癫痫咨询,包括重症监护病房和急诊科, outside of the EMU, and provides EEG interpretation for all inpatient non-EMU EEGs. This rotation has intensive exposure to ICU monitoring and continuity of EEG interpretation and clinical correlation on critical care patients.
  4. 选修旋转:第四轮旋转专门用于多次选修机会以及在成年脑电图中举行的四个星期Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,另一家哈佛附属教学医院。选修课很丰富,包括多个学术/睡眠医学的专用时间,MEG,计算神经生理学,放射学研究实验室,生酮饮食,tuberous sclerosis complex诊所,炎症/自身免疫性癫痫以及其他机会。
  5. 每周教学会议全年包括多学科癫痫手术会议(在案例中呈现案例),脑电图案例会议,读书俱乐部,临床癫痫讲座和临床神经生理学讲座。此外,还有一个每月的期刊俱乐部,癫痫大巡回赛以及可通过波士顿儿童医院神经病学系提供的广泛的讲座和研讨会时间表欧宝彩票平台哈佛医学院包括神经病学大弹,神经放射学和神经病理学。


Interested individuals should contact:

Jurriaan M. Peters, MD, PhD
Director, Epilepsy Fellowship Program
Division of Epilepsy & Clinical Neurophysiology
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Coral M. Stredny,医学博士
Associate Director, Epilepsy Fellowship Program
Division of Epilepsy & Clinical Neurophysiology
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-355-2413
Fax: 617-730-0463

目前填补了2022-2024的职位。我们将在2024 - 2025年的2022年夏季/秋季参加NRMP比赛并接受申请。请访问AES网站对于此过程和时间表。


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