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Programs & Services |Overview

Age-Based, Multidisciplinary Developmental Diagnostic Program

From infancy through adolescence, children receive an age appropriate evaluation from a multidisciplinary neurodevelopmental team. Team members can include a developmental pediatrician, a pediatric psychologist, and an educational specialist depending on the age and needs of the child. Typical referrals to each program include:

  • infants and toddlers (under 3 years of age) with motor, language, or social delays or abnormalities, including suspicion of anautism spectrum disorder
  • preschoolers (ages 3-6): mild to severe learning and developmental issues, attentional concerns, global developmental delays, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, and/or questions of autism spectrum disorders
  • school age (ages 7-10): learning disabilities, attentional, and/or behavioral concerns
  • adolescents: (ages 11-17): learning disabilities, attentional, and/or behavioral concerns

Please call the DMC Triage Coordinator with intake and referral questions at 617-355-7025.

ADHD Program

DMC提供了一个广泛的诊断,海藻糖酶tment, consultation, and advocacy services for children withADHDand their families. Services are available for children with a known or suspected ADHD diagnosis.

This program is for children already followed in the Developmental Medicine Center. For children who are new to the DMC and have a confirmed or suspected ADHD diagnosis, please call the DMC Triage Coordinator with intake and referral questions at 617-355-7025.

Autism Spectrum Center

As part of the Autism Spectrum Center, the DMC provides a variety of diagnostic, treatment, consultation, and advocacy services for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and their families. Services are available for children from infancy through adolescence who have a known or suspected ASD diagnosis.

Learn more about services available through the Autism Spectrum Centerhere. For intake and referral questions please call the Autism Spectrum Center at 617-355-7493. Children already followed in the DMC for ASD do not need additional referral.

Down Syndrome Program

Please visit the Down Syndrome Program for more information about our programs for children 0-18 years old and their families. Call the Triage Coordinator with referral questions at 857-218-4329.

Toileting Difficulties Program

Children aged 4 to 16 years with toileting issues, such asnocturnal enuresis(bedwetting),encopresis(soiling underwear), andenuresis, are seen for evaluation and treatment by developmental behavioral pediatric specialists.

Clinicians will create an individualized toileting plan based on the needs of your child. This may include treatment of bedwetting, behavioral interventions, and or any appropriate referrals. Additionally, some of our patients will attend a six-week "Toilet School" program, which is an innovative group approach to toileting difficulties for children between the ages of 4 years and 6 years 11 months.

Call the DMC Intake Coordinator for questions and intake information at 617-355-7025.
