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Clinical Pharmacogenomics Service |Overview

TheClinical Pharmacogenomics Service(CPS) at Boston Children’s Hospital works to make medications safer and more effective by incorporating patient’s genetic information when making decisions about medication choices. We are a unique service; one of only a small handful of centers in the country that apply genetics to determine variations in medication response to improve clinical care.

When choosing a drug, prescribers (physicians, nurse practitioners, physician’s assistants) consider many variables in order to determine the best medication and dose for you. This includes your diagnosis, other medical conditions/personal characteristics, allergies, previous medication history and many other clinical characteristics. Yet, people who appear to be similar for all these categories may respond quite differently to the same medication. Some people experience side effects that may range from mild to severe; while others may observe no effect at all. By determining an individual’s pharmacogenetic background we can optimize medication choices that are safer and more likely to work.

The Clinical Pharmacogenomics Service (CPS) is focused on choosing the right drugs for treatment.

This is because:

  • there is a concern about possible reactions, which may based on family or past experiences
  • there is a lack of response to medication
  • unexpected side effects.

The nature of medication response can be explained, in part, bygenetics. Differences in our genes can directly influence how medications are broken down and how they act. Pharmacogenomics, is a branch of personalized medicine that focuses on the application of this genetic information to better inform medication choices based on the individual’s “pharmaco”genes that instruct how they will process a medicine, allowing us to better predict whether a person is likely to respond to the medication and whether they are more or less likely to develop side effects.

Additionally, since DNA is inherited, results from the pharmacogenomics tests may be relevant for related family members as well. If clinically significant results are detected, testing may be considered for these family members.


Why choose Clinical Pharmacogenomics Service (CPS) at Boston Children’s Hospital?

TheCPS team监督波士顿儿童医院与药物基因组学检查相关的订购,分析,解释和咨询。欧宝彩票平台可用的测试包括分析影响药物分解,运输和反应的基因。CPS团队分析了这些测试的结果,以提供对过去药物史的任何见解,并指导未来的处方决策,以帮助确保以尽可能安全有效的方式选择和服用药物。当检测到显着性的遗传变异时,结果可能表明,由于改良的药物破坏,对副作用或剂量变化的监测增加适合某些药物。发现还可能建议根据预测的反应确定特定药物或药物类别的优先级。在其他情况下,由于严重不良药物事件的风险增加,可能会完全避免使用特定药物。即使未检测到显着的变体,结果也很有价值,因为可以放心开处方的人是基于遗传因素的治疗修饰。

Our approach to patient care is interdisciplinary, with specially trained pharmacists and geneticists working in tandem to provide the most current perspectives, recommendations, and guidance pertaining to pharmacogenomics. We collaborate with prescribers from all specialties to incorporate findings into the clinical decision making process where appropriate. Our expectation is that by finding the right medications and doses that work best for you, we can reduce side effects, increase your chances of successful treatment, and help you achieve better health outcomes.
