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Patient Resources |Overview

Social story

Children on the autism spectrum are much like their peers in their need to anticipate and comprehend events that unfold during the course of their day. However, communication difficulties may make it harder for children with autism to prepare for a disruption, such as a trip to a doctor's appointment.

A social story is a tool that is used to help children with autism adapt to change. Introduce this story and reread it daily prior to your child's appointment to help them prepare for the experience of visiting the hospital.

A social story might read something like this:

  • On Thursday you are not going to school. You are going to visit _________ at Children's Hospital.
  • Mommy or daddy will always be with you.
  • _________ will talk to you. You might play games, read books, or use the computer.
  • This will be fun. You will be happy.
  • Mommy/daddy will bring some of your favorite toys and books. You can play while mommy/daddy talk with _________.
  • Visiting Children's Hospital is fun!

Note: Be sure to complement the written social story with photographs from these Web pages


Here are a few of the things your child might play with during your visit.
