Current Environment:

Your Visit |Overview

What happens during a visit?

At each visit, a clinician assesses your child’s development, talks with caregivers about your questions and concerns and makes recommendations.

During the visit, psychologists and neurologists will assess:

  • how your child thinks, reasons and remembers
  • how your child learns and achieves at school
  • your child’s social functioning and emotional well-being
  • how your child’s brain and nervous system work
  • your child’s attention and behavior

If a clinicians notices that your child is having difficulties, they will connect you and your family with services, information and strategies to help. In some cases, clinicians can provide short-term therapy or educational opportunities. Our nurse practitioner is also available for additional consultation, evaluation and support as needed.


Our clinicians offer psychological, neuropsychological and neurological assessments to children from birth to age 24. Through these assessments we are able to monitor children’s development and strengths, and identify challenges as they emerge. Our evaluators meet with families before each assessment to discuss their child’s development and talk about any questions or concerns.

After these assessments, clinicians meet with families for a feedback session. They review findings, discuss diagnoses and make recommendations to support the child’s developmental goals. Clinicians often refer families to community resources, and may coordinate with schools, therapists or other providers to help children receive the care they need. Families receive an extensive written report after each assessment, which summarizes the testing and the conclusions, and lists clear and practical recommendations.


Our clinicians are available for consultations to address specific concerns. During consult visits, clinicians can help with challenges such as addressing difficult behaviors, working with a school to create a special education plan and managing a child’s anxiety. Clinicians are sometimes able to observe children in their classrooms, and to consult with schools directly about educational plans.
