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Cardiac Inpatient Unit Program |Overview


Staffed by highly trained cardiologists, cardiac nurses, Child Life specialists, and dietitians, our goal is simple: to make sure your child is comfortable and getting the best care possible. Our specialized training in pediatric cardiology means that we understand the unique challenges, circumstances, and intricacies of working with young people who have heart disease and other heart ailments.

Family centered care

From the moment your child is admitted to Boston Children’s, you are welcomed as a member of our care team. We will describe every aspect of your child’s care and keep you informed every step of the way. Because you know your child best, your input in encouraged. So don’t be afraid to ask questions or make suggestions.


Your visit

During your child’s hospital stay, you’ll work with a team of professionals who are committed to supporting all of your family’s physical and psychosocial needs. These frequently asked questions and answers may help you prepare for your child’s stay.

Where is the inpatient unit?

8 East is Boston Children’s Hospital’s inpatient Medical/Surgical Unit, located on the eighth floor of the main building at Boston Children’s. It consists of 42 beds.

How can I prepare my child?

当您的孩子被送往医院或接受手术时,这可能会给整个家庭带来压力。在波士顿儿童教堂,我们致力于使您和您家人的医院经历尽可能积极。请让我们知道是否可以做些什么来改善您的住宿。这里are tips to help you prepare.

Who is admitted to 8 East?

8 East适用于婴儿,儿童,青少年,在某些情况下是患有心脏病的成年人。在这里也经常接纳接受选修心脏导管和手术的儿童。




Yes, one parent can sleep at their child’s bedside. The chairs in the patient rooms are pull-out beds. You may help yourself to sheets and towels from the linen carts, which are located on the east and north side of the unit. You can shower and use the bathroom in your child’s room. The curtain around your child’s bed can be closed for privacy, unless otherwise requested by your nurse. If other accommodations are needed, our resource specialist can help you.

Where can I store my belongings?

Please lock up your personal belongings when you are not in your child’s room. There are small storage compartments located inside the wardrobe closet at each bedside. You may bring a lock (a small key or combination) from home. The lock must be removed when your child leaves the hospital.





How can I contact 8 East when I’m away?

致电617-355-8083致电护士站。要在孩子在8 East的孩子的房间中与护士联系,请在每个病房中使用白色呼叫箱。在非紧急情况下,您可以通过按下标有“护士”的按钮与对讲机与护士交谈。白色呼叫框还操作电视。在紧急情况下,您可以按床头的墙壁上的大红色按钮。

How do I make or receive personal phone calls?


You can receive phone calls directly into the patient room. The telephone number is located on the phone. Cell phones cannot be used in the patient rooms. Parents must go to the area by the elevators to use cell phones.

Who will be given information about my child?

We respect the confidentiality of you and your child. For this reason, we only provide information to you and your child’s primary care physician.

What will my child’s routine be while on 8 East?


The nurse needs to know how much your child eats and drinks, as well as how much he eliminates in urine or stool. If you give your child something to drink, please save the container, and please save all diapers for your nurse.

一个menities on 8 East

We understand that a hospital stay can be difficult and overwhelming. We hope these amenities will make your stay more comfortable and enable you to focus on the health of your child.

  • Treatment rooms:We’ve set up treatment rooms that are designated for blood drawing and other procedures. This allows your child’s room to remain a “safe place” where she can relax.
  • 电视:There are TVs and VCRs in every patient room that can be tuned to both television and radio stations. The television system carries local stations and some satellite stations 24 hours a day. Movies are shown from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., seven days a week.
    • “Children's Midday” is offered each Tuesday at 2 p.m. on Channel 22. This live, interactive show, produced in the Patient Entertainment Center, welcomes patient participation from viewers on inpatient units as well as those in the entertainment area.
    • 可应要求在病房中使用电影和任天堂。我们鼓励孩子们在家带Playstation墨盒或电影。
  • Internet:病房中有无线互联网访问。没有提供计算机,但是您和您的孩子可以携带笔记本电脑。计算机也可供您在Hale Family Center for Families
  • Meals:Meals can be ordered for patients anytime from 7 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. Orders can be placed by calling: F-O-O-D (ext. 5-3663) from the phone in the room, 617-355-FOOD when calling from outside the hospital. Please call 45 minutes prior to mealtime. Meals can be ordered up to 24 hours in advance. Menus are available when your child is admitted to the unit.
  • 小吃:There is food in the Patient Nourishment Center if your child needs a snack. There’s also a parents’ refrigerator in each kitchen for your use. Please label your food with your name and the date clearly visible, to prevent food from being thrown out when the refrigerator is cleaned.
  • 游戏室和活动室:游戏室和活动室开放during the day for relaxing or taking a break from the hospital routine. The playroom is designed for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children, and offers age-appropriate toys and games. The activity room is shared by teens, young adults, and parents. It has board games, books, video games (including Wii), and computers. Because the playroom and activity room are places where children can relax and temporarily escape the stress of the hospital, all medical examinations or procedures that may upset your child are prohibited in these areas.
  • Bedside activities: Activities are provided in your child’s room if she can’t go to the playroom.
  • Child Life specialist:一个Child Life specialist周一至周五工作,通常每天协调一个预定的小组活动。
  • 辅导:辅导适用于由于疾病而缺席至少两个星期(在家里或医院)缺席的儿童。如果可能的话,您的孩子应该将他或她的学业带到医院。指定的导师将联系您的孩子的学校,并制定一项计划,以介绍任何错过的课程。请与您的护士或儿童生活专家交谈以获取更多信息。