Current Environment:

Clinician Resources |Overview

The Division of Cardiac Anesthesia partakes in all learning opportunities offered by the Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine. For a full list, please visitthis webpage.

Topics in Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia

This conference presents general topics in Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia in rotation for the benefit of the trainees.

Cardiac Anesthesia M&M Conference

The Morbidity and Mortality Conference presents cases in which a reportable event occurred, a conflict of importance occurred, and/or an event in which a mortality occurred. The discussion and analysis of the event(s) at the M&M conference contribute to a broader workflow, to establish and propose more effective guidelines in patient care.

Cardiac Anesthesia Research Conference

This conference offers to opportunity for faculty and trainees to present proposals for research studies or projects, as well as to present on the progress of ongoing research and discuss any issues or pitfalls.

Cardiac Anesthesia Journal Club

A faculty member or fellow presents on the topic of a published article pertinent to pediatric cardiac anesthesia and provides the opportunity for discussion.
