Current Environment:


在CAIR,我们正在不断努力改善短肠综合征and related concerns. Some of our current and recent research projects include:


Our researchers are measuring blood and stool markers of intestinal adaptation in children with short bowel syndrome over the course of a year. They will investigate how these markers relate to growth and weaning off of parenteral nutrition.



Copper status in infants with prolonged dependence on parenteral nutrition

Prospective data was collected on a group of children with intestinal failure and dependence on肠胃外营养。Our researchers are now analyzing their blood levels of copper and various potential risk factors for copper deficiency to help optimize prevention and treatment of this problem in pediatric short bowel syndrome.


The Bodpod (also called air displacement plethysmography) is a safe, quick, non-invasive technique that measures both the muscle mass and fat mass in children. Since routine measures such as weight gain may not be sensitive enough to assess the actual gain of muscle mass, the Bodpod may allow for a better assessment of a child’s body composition.


Vibration-controlled transient elastography, also called FibroScan®, is a new diagnostic tool to assess liver fibrosis in pediatric intestinal failure patients with associated liver disease. FibroScan results for our CAIR patients have shown that the diagnostic tool is successful and a valid method for non-invasive monitoring of liver injury in this population.

Methionine breath test

监测肝功能仅限于与肠道衰竭相关肝病患者的常规血液检查或肝活检。稳定同位素的代谢L [1-13C]蛋氨酸已显示出在肝脏中仅发生,并且是安全,无创和有效的肝脏线粒体功能的有效度量。CAIR团队目前正在评估串行呼吸测试的可行性和相关性,以测量随着时间的推移肝功能的变化。

Distraction enterogenesis



Our CAIR team recently reviewed long-term outcomes in patients with a history of midgut volvulus leading to ultra-short bowel syndrome. We have found that midgut volvulus with extensive bowel loss is associated with favorable long-term survival, and that weaning off parenteral nutrition is feasible with intestinal rehabilitation.


成千上万的儿童有短肠syndrome; however, with the advent of parenteral nutrition and advances in intestinal rehabilitation, many are now surviving to adulthood. The primary aim of this study is to observe long-term medical and surgical outcomes of adolescents nearing adulthood as we work towards transition of care for these patients.

Quality of life

The CAIR team is actively enrolling patients in a study to learn more about the quality of life experienced by children with intestinal failure. This is a collaborative study being conducted by intestinal rehabilitation centers throughout the country. It is being co-led byBiren Modi博士at Boston Children’s and Dr. Patrick Javid at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Your family may be approached to inquire about participation in this study at a future appointment. If you have questions or want to discuss participation please feel free to联系我们的办公室了解更多信息。


Led by马克·普德(Mark Puder),医学博士这项研究的主要目的是确定RELIZORB是否与肠胃外营养的卡路里减少有关。在研究结束时,我们还将衡量儿童体重的变化。

To determine if your child is eligible for this study, please




The CAIR team is about to begin an exciting new study called STARS in adults ages 18 and older with short bowel syndrome/intestinal failure (SBS-IF). STARS is a clinical trial looking at the efficacy and safety of weekly subcutaneous injections ofapraglutide(GLP-2类似物)在减少肠胃外营养(PN)依赖性方面。它是一项国际,多中心,双盲,随机,安慰剂对照试验。该试验包括筛查阶段,48周的治疗阶段和安全随访阶段。成功筛选后,试用参与者将每周获得一次Apraglutide或安慰剂。这项研究由Vectivbio AG赞助。

  • Men and women with SBS-IF who are receiving PN secondary to surgical resection of the small intestine with either stoma or colon-in-continuity
  • 您必须每周至少需要三天的PN,并且被视为稳定。
  • You cannot undergo restorative surgery intended to change PN requirements in the trial period.
  • Age 18 or older
  • 怀孕或哺乳的妇女
  • 在筛查前六个月中进行了大规模腹部手术的人
  • 五年内有癌症病史的人
  • 那些在过去六个月中具有主动炎症性GI条件的证据
  • 那些有代表性心力衰竭的证据的人
  • Those with evidence of severe renal or hepatic impairment
  • Any previous use of growth factors such as growth hormone, native GLP-2, GLP-1, or GLP-2 or GLP-1 analogues should be discussed with the Investigator.