Current Environment:


CAIR has been in the forefront of clinical research advances in the field, including innovations in nutritional, hormonal and surgical therapy. These are just some of the approaches that have been developed and refined at Boston Children's.

STEP procedure for short bowel syndrome

If your child has an intestinal obstruction or extremely shortened intestines, surgery may help improve absorption by enhancing the surface area of the intestines or prolonging transit time through the bowel.

In 2002, Boston Children's doctors performed the world's first serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP) procedure, a surgical technique developed byHeung Bae Kim, MD, andTom Jaksic, MD, PhD。这种方法可以延长肠综合征短的儿童的肠道。从那时起,我们的临床医生进行了许多这些程序,并越来越成功,将波士顿儿童视为世界上杰出的医院之一,以治疗短肠综合征。


Omegaven is a unique fish oil-based emulsion developed byMark Puder, MD, PhD, andKathleen Gura, PharmD,这似乎有助于治疗由肠胃外营养全部的肝病。波士顿儿童是医院,在同情心的基础上使用了奥米加文的使用最多。

Published studies by the Center for Advanced Intestinal Rehabilitation

Since its inception, CAIR has been among the most prolific centers for research on short bowel syndrome and related topics. We have published papers on a wide variety of subjects, including predictors of PN weaning, survival outcomes, leading edge nutrition management, infection management, micronutrient deficiencies and more. The following studies and papers are some of our most notable.

Duggan CP,Jaksic T.小儿肠道衰竭。N Engl J Med。2017; 377(7):666-75。EPUB 2017/08/17。doi:10.1056/NEJMra1602650。PubMed PMID: 28813225.

Stamm DA, Hait E, Litman HJ, Mitchell PD, Duggan C. High Prevalence of Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disease in Children With Intestinal Failure. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2016;63(3):336-9. doi:10.1097/mpg.0000000000001158。PubMed PMID:27548247;PMCID:PMC4994974。

Fullerton BS,Sparks EA,AM,Duggan C,Jaksic T,Modi BP。小儿肠道衰竭患者的肠内自主性,肝硬化和长期无移植生存。J Pediatr Surg。2016; 51(1):96-100。doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2015.10.027。PubMed PMID: 26561248; PMCID: PMC4713317.

Khan FA,Squires RH,Litman HJ,Balint J,Carter BA,Fisher JG,Horslen SP,Jaksic T,Kocoshis S,Martinez JA,Mercer D,Rhee S,Rudolph JA,Soden JA,Soden J,Soden J,Supan J,Superina D,Teitelbaum DH,Teitelbaum DH DH,Venick R,Wales PW,DugganC。肠道衰竭儿童肠内自治的预测指标:多中心队列研究。J Pediatr。2015; 167(1):29-34.e1。EPUB 2015/04/29。doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2015.03.040。PubMed PMID: 25917765; PMCID: Pmc4485931.

Khan FA,Fisher JG,Bairdain S,Sparks EA,Zurakowski D,Modi BP,Duggan C,Jaksic T.小儿肠道衰竭患者的代谢骨病:患病率和危险因素。J Pediatr Surg。2015; 50(1):136-9。doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2014.10.010。PubMed PMID: 25598110; PMCID: PMC4620573.

Mehta NM,Raphael B,Guteirrez IM,Quinn N,Mitchell PD,Litman HJ,Jaksic T,Duggan CP。小儿肠道衰竭中身体成分评估方法的比较。J Pediatr胃肠道营养。2014; 59(1):99-105。EPUB 2014/03/13。doi:10.1097/mpg.0000000000000364。PubMed PMID: 24614122; PMCID: PMC4409423.

Khan FA, Mitchell PD, Fisher JG, Sparks EA, Jaksic T, Duggan C, Teitelbaum DH, Modi BP. Magnitude of surgical burden associated with pediatric intestinal failure: a multicenter cohort analysis. J Pediatr Surg. 2014;49(12):1795-8. Epub 2014/12/10. doi:10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2014.09.026。PubMed PMID:25487486;PMCID:PMC4620568。

Gosselin KB, Duggan C. Enteral nutrition in the management of pediatric intestinal failure. J Pediatr. 2014;165(6):1085-90. Epub 2014/09/23. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2014.08.012。PubMed PMID: 25242686; PMCID: PMC4253063.

Squires RH, Duggan C, Teitelbaum DH, Wales PW, Balint J, Venick R, Rhee S, Sudan D, Mercer D, Martinez JA, Carter BA, Soden J, Horslen S, Rudolph JA, Kocoshis S, Superina R, Lawlor S, Haller T, Kurs-Lasky M, Belle SH, Pediatric Intestinal Failure C. Natural history of pediatric intestinal failure: initial report from the Pediatric Intestinal Failure Consortium. J Pediatr. 2012;161(4):723-8 e2. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2012.03.062。PubMed PMID: 22578586; PMCID: 3419777.

Carter BA,Cohran VC,Cole CR,Corkins MR,Dimmitt RA,Duggan C,Hill S,Horslen S,Lim JD,Mercer DF,Mercer DF,Merritt RJ,Nichol PF,Sigurdsson L,Sigurdsson L,Teitelbaum DH,Thompson J,Thompson J,Vanderpool C,Vanderpool C,Vanderpool C,Vanderpool JF,Vanderpool JF,Vanderpool JF,Vanderpool JF,Li B,Youssef NN,Venick RS,Kocoshis SA。从小儿短肠综合征中Teduglutide的12周开放标签,多中心临床试验的结果。J Pediatr。2017; 181:102-111。

Jones BA,Hull MA,Richardson DS,Zurakowski D,Gura K,Fitzgibbons SC,Duro D,Lo CW,Duggan C,Jaksic T.乙醇锁在降低肠子衰竭的儿科患者中降低中央静脉导管感染的功效。J PediatrSurg。2010; 45(6):1287-93。

Gura KM,Lee S,Valim C,Zhou J,Kim S,Modi BP,Arsenault DA,Strijbosch RA,Lopes S,Duggan C,Pudgan M. Puder M.在肠胃外治疗中基于鱼油的脂肪乳液的安全性和功效营养相关的肝病。Pediatrics2008;121(3):e678-86.

de Meijer VE, Gura KM, Le HD, Meisel JA, Puder M. Fish Oil-Based Lipid Emulsions Prevent and Reverse Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Liver Disease: The Boston Experience.JPEN2009;33(5):541-7.

Fallon EM,Mitchell PD,Nehra D,Potemkin AK,O'Loughlin AA,Gura KM,Puder M. Neonantes患有短肠综合征:肠胃外营养独立的乐观未来。JAMA Surg。2014;149(7):663-70.

Yang CF,Duro D,Zurakowski D,Lee M,Jaksic T,DugganC。肠道衰竭儿童多种微量营养素缺乏症的高患病率:一项纵向研究。J Pediatr2011;159(1):39-44.
