Current Environment:

Clinician Resources |Overview

Boston HAPPENS works with youth-serving organizations on HIV prevention and intervention strategies and collaborates with agencies and professionals who work with HIV infected, homeless and at-risk youth. HAPPENS also brings together health care providers to network and support one another.

The HAPPENS Program provides:

  • Youth oriented HIV counseling and testing
  • Primary care and treatment of HIV infected youth
  • Clinical consultation and/or ongoing specialized HIV care and treatment for HIV infected youth and young adults receiving primary care elsewhere
  • Sexual and reproductive health services for HIV infected youth and young adults
  • Case management and support services
  • Mental health services
  • Peer outreach and education
  • Risk reduction counseling, family planning services and GYN care to HIV infected youth
  • Access to clinical trials
  • Services and support for at-risk youth
  • Consultation about non-occupational post-exposure prophylaxis (N-PEP), sexual assault follow-up
  • Consultation and education about Pre-Exposure Prophlyaxis (PrEP)
  • Technical assistance, consultation and staff in-service trainings
  • Training for youth-serving providers and providers working with HIV infected youth
  • Collaboration with community agencies
  • Individual and group therapy for youth living with HIV
  • Youth support groups

Working with Us

Outreach Services:

Boston HAPPENS would like to work with you to assist in the care and support for HIV infected, homeless and at-risk youth that you care for at your site. We facilitate transitions from pediatric to adolescent, and adolescent to adult care. You can reach us at 617-355-2735.

Community Collaboration:

We collaborate with Community Partners working with young people and youth-serving programs in Boston neighborhoods, where youth are at highest risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

If you are from a community-based agency or a youth-serving organization and are interested in community collaboration for HIV prevention and intervention strategies, please contact us at 617-355-2735. Please feel free to contact us about any issues for which we can offer support or for access to any of our services.

Professional Affiliations:

The Boston HAPPENS Program is based at the Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine Program at Boston Children's Hospital.
