Current Environment:


Shane HC, Weiss-Kapp S, Cordeiro R. Using the Procedural Knowledge Profile® To Establish Communication Goals and Objectives, Presented at Autism Society of America National Conference, Providence, RI, July, 2006.

Shane HC。Practical applications of Observational Learning (Video Modeling) for Improving Learning and Communication. Presented at the Annual Milestones Conference. Cleveland, Ohio, June, 2006.

Shane HC。Systematic Use of Video Supports for Persons with ASD, presented at the Spring Conference of the New Hampshire Speech, Language, Hearing Association, Concord, NH, April, 2006.

Shane HC, Caves K, Higginbotham J, Russell S. Lecture; Access to AAC: Present, Past, and Future, presented at the Twenty-First Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, CA, March, 2006.

Shane HC, Sorce J, Weiss-Kapp S. Video Technology for Language Instruction for Children with ASD, presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association San Diego, CA, November, 2005.

Shane HC,Ducoff P.自闭症谱系障碍患者的电子屏幕媒体,在2005年11月,加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥的美国言语听力协会年度会议上发表。

Shane HC。2005年10月,意大利米兰的Centro Benedetta d'Intino,系统地使用自闭症谱系的人的视觉支持。

Shane HC,Deruyter F,Bauer S,Cohen D,Caves K.辅助技术:联邦实验室的挑战,联邦实验室技术转移联盟,佛罗里达州奥兰多,佛罗里达州,2004年1月。

Shane HC, Kearns K, Tourian M, Weiss-Kapp S. Monarch National Language Curriculum for Generalization of Language Concepts, presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, November, 2004.

Shane HC, Kearns K, Taurian M, Weiss-Kapp S. Managing Autism Outcomes: The Participation, Accuracy, and Independence Scales, presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA, November, 2004.

Shane HC,Blackstone S,Rubin E. AAC和自闭症:当前的实践和未来方向,在2004年3月,加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的CSUN会议上发表。

Shane HC,Cordeiro,R。互联网作为辅助技术的服务交付媒介,美国言语听力协会,伊利诺伊州芝加哥,2003年11月。

Shane HC。使用技术来增强自闭症学生的交流,并在2003年3月,纽约州奥尔巴尼市纽约市的年度联合脑瘫。

邀请发言人K Caves K,Boemler S,Linsenmeyer E,DeruyterF。在2003年1月在佛罗里达州奥兰多市辅助技术行业会议上使用自动语音识别与违规言语的人进行自动识别。

Shane HC, Douglas ML. Lecture; Investigation into the Use of Intelligent Agents in Children Evidencing Autism, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA, November, 2002.

Shane HC。Live Interactive Web演员,自闭症和AAC:视觉支持以增强自闭症和相关障碍的沟通,由Kornreich Technology Center和RERC在2002年1月提高沟通增强方面赞助。


Shane HC,Weiss-Kapp S.生存的视觉语言:自闭症患者的语言增强语言。预订准备。

Shane HC, Higgenbotham J, Caves K, Russell S. Access to AAC, AAC Journal. In press.

Shane HC。Using visual scene displays to improve communication and communication instruction in persons with autism spectrum disorders. Special Interest Division 12, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 15 (1), (2006)

Shane HC、洞穴K, DeRuyter F. Connecting AAC devices to the world of information technology. AAC: Alternative and Augmentative Communication, RESNA Press, Volume 14.1/Summer 2002:81-89.

Shane HC, Kenna M, Woolf A, eds. The Children's Hospital Guide to Your Child's Health and Development. Perseus: Cambridge, MA, 2001.

Shane HC, and others. Communication Disorders Primer for Pediatric Otolaryngology. In: Pediatric Otolaryngology: Principles and Practice Pathways. Wetmore R, Muntz H, McGill T, eds. Thieme: NY, NY, 1999.

Shane HC,Kirsch I,Burgess CA,Niederauer KL,Graham SM,BaconA。促进交流作为意识运动的反应。心理科学,第9卷,1998年1月:71-74。

Shane HC。促进交流:为什么不是真实的。从临床上讲,通讯,第11卷,第1期,1994年;(4月):1-3-5。

Shane HC, ed. The clinical and sociological phenomenon of facilitated communication. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group, 1994.

Shane HC, Green G. Facilitated communication: The claims versus the evidence. The Harvard Mental Health Letter, Volume 10, Number 6,1993;(December):4-5.


Shane HC,发明家;Portable Computer Housing. US patent D404376. 1999 Jan 10.

Shane HC,发明家;计算机手提袋。美国专利5887777. 1999年3月30日。


1995Kleffner Clinical Achievement Award, Massachusetts Speech-Language- Hearing Association

1993Pioneer Award, The Massachusetts Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children

1992Isabelle and Leonard H. Goldenson Technology Award, United Cerebral Palsy

1989Finalist, Computerworld Smithsonian Awards
