Current Environment:


How do I tell my child about ASAP?

  • It’s best to be honest with your child. Tell them about the appointment when you both are having a good day. Explain that you’re concerned about their drug use and that this appointment is for an assessment and advice from physicians.
  • If another physician or someone at school has referred you, tell your child that others are concerned as well. Be clear that this appointment is not a form of punishment, but rather a type of education.
  • If your child feels that you’re “over-reacting,” acknowledge that this may be the case, and remind them that you want advice from a physician. Explain that if the doctors don’t find a problem, you’ll feel reassured.
  • If your child says they won’t go or won’t talk to a doctor, explain that this is an important health appointment and that it is not optional. Tell them that you will go to the visit and follow the doctor’s advice without or without them, but that the appointment will be much more beneficial if the doctors have a chance to speak to him as well.
  • 如果您的孩子说所有朋友都在使用毒品,请告诉她您担心她。告诉他,您是因为您喜欢和关心他而进行约会。再说一次任命不是惩罚的一种形式。


Your arrival

We have two offices: at the main hospital at 300 Longwood Avenue, on the10th Floor of the Fegan Building, and at波士顿儿童布鲁克林在布鲁克林2号布鲁克林广场。当您到达我们的办公室时,我们的一名员工在前台将验证您的个人和保险信息,并收集访问的共同付款。然后,您将进入等待区,直到我们的员工成员向我们致意。



  • 青少年将与儿科临床医生会面,他们的父母/监护人将与心理健康临床医生会面。
  • 青少年将与心理健康临床医生会面,他们的父母/监护人将与儿科临床医生会面。
  • Our clinical team will meet to discuss the information we have gathered, and will make treatment recommendations.
  • 该家庭将与一位临床医生会面,讨论印象,治疗,建议和选择。


After your appointments

After your full evaluation is complete, you will receive a summary of our impressions and recommendations. The treatment plan agreed upon at the conclusion of the assessment will begin at ASAP, or if indicated, we will refer you to community providers.

Because demographic and insurance information is verified at every visit, please bring your insurance card every time you come to Children’s. If your insurance, address, or phone number changes, please contact the office so we can update it. This will help us in the event we need to contact you to change your appointment.


ASAP’s medical records are highly protected and are not accessible to any individual or agency without specific signed permission from the parents if your child is under 18, or from you child if they are older than 18.

Important forms

Completed Paperwork can be either emailed or faxed to us directly:

Fax: 617-730-0252 (Attention: ASAP)
