Current Environment:

Edward Robert Smith |Education

Undergraduate School

Dartmouth College

1992, Hanover, NH


Columbia University



Massachusetts General Hospital

1997, Boston, MA


Massachusetts General Hospital

2003, Boston, MA



2004, Boston, MA

Edward Robert Smith |专业历史


I was reintroduced to Dr. Scott when I was a medical student at Columbia University. The neurosurgery department's chair there at the time, Ben Stein, was a former partner of Dr. Scott's and encouraged me to go and work with him. I completed a rotation here and then quickly followed that up with a fellowship under Dr. Scott's guidance. I have been at Boston Children's ever since, and am indebted to Dr. Scott for helping me to become a leader in the treatment of moyamoya syndrome, cerebrovascular disease and brain tumors.

在R. Michael Scott博士的指导下,我们继续根据Scott博士在波士顿儿童教堂(Boston Children's)进行了开创性的基于皮拉氏菌病的手术,为患有Moyamoya的儿童进行了新的,尖端的手术。事实证明,手术是该疾病的唯一有效的长期治疗方法,我们是治疗这种疾病儿童的全球领导者。我们的部门负责世界上最大的儿科莫亚马亚计划之一,每年有40至50次手术,总体进行了1,000多次血运重建程序。这种大批量的国际实践反映在我们部门,尤其是在脑血管畸形和脑肿瘤方面。这使我和我的同事得以开发许多重要的创新,包括幼儿的微创颅底内窥镜内镜技术的进步以及Moyamoya和动静脉畸形患者的新的围手术和外科手术方法。


This work is equally focused here at home. In 2014, together with my colleague and friend Darren Orbach, we founded the Cerebrovascular Surgery and Intervention Center—a first-of-its-kind program that integrates translational research into clinical efforts. This center includes a dedicated translational research fellowship to train clinician-scientists and a series of funded seed grants awarded to foster research in this area. Our center is a pilot program sponsored by the hospital designed to innovate paradigms of medical care partnered with research. My colleagues and I in the Center have created 3-D models of patients' brains and blood vessels to rehearse neurointerventional procedures in advance, an innovation that has been shown to save resources and—importantly—improve patient outcomes. Our goal is for our center to serve as a national leader to transform the way that care is delivered to children.

I believe strongly in my role as a surgeon/scientist, and, in the laboratory, am lucky to have been mentored by Marsha A. Moses, a great scientist and the director of the Vascular Biology Program here at Boston Children's. I'm a New Englander, having grown up in Dartmouth, MA, followed by my undergraduate years studying biology and rowing at Dartmouth College. My patients often give me joke books, which might be a reflection on my sense of (or lack of!) humor and desire to try to keep kids laughing if at all possible during difficult circumstances.

Edward Robert Smith |Publications

我被神经外科手术吸引了,并尤其是尤其是头脑神经外科医生的迈克尔·斯科特(R. Michael Scott)培训的波士顿儿童医院,当时我的高中好朋友在这里接受了脑肿瘤的治疗。这种经历使我走上了成为儿科神经外科医生的道路。
