


Goal: Acquire the knowledge and skills to provide compassionate and effective care for patients with routine and complex cases in all aspects of Pediatric Otolaryngology (i.e. Airway, Head & Neck, Otology, and Rhinology).


  1. Develop an efficient and thorough bedside assessment of patient and implement a prioritized management plan.
  2. 将大量数据合成为简洁而连贯的呈现。
  3. 展示创建有组织的简洁文档的能力。
  4. 在指导附属的医学生和居民方面发展监督技能。

Medical Knowledge



  1. 积极参加奖学金的核心课程,包括但不限于以下内容:
    • Weekly Fellows Lecture Series
    • 每周气道会议
    • 每月研究员期刊俱乐部
    • 每月死亡率和发病率会议
    • Monthly Joint Conference
    • 研究会议
    • Monthly Radiology Conferences
    • 每月耳鼻喉科会议
    • 每月的头颈部会议

Practice-based Learning & Improvement

Goal: Critically evaluate one’s own clinical practice and improve patient care by continuous self-evaluation, systematic evaluation of current scientific evidence and methods, and application of that knowledge to patient care.


  1. Develop individualized learning plan with reassessment at regular intervals.
  2. Continuously evaluate one’s own performance, be receptive to formative feedback and incorporate that feedback into improvement activities.
  3. 审查医学文献,找到与患者状况有关的科学研究,并运用该知识来改善患者的护理。
  4. Effectively use technology to manage information for patient care and self-improvement.
  5. Participate in didactic and bedside teaching of patients, families, students, housestaff, and other health professionals.


Goal: Demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in effective communication and maintain professional interactions with patients, families, and colleagues.


  1. Communicate with patients and families in a courteous, professional manner.
  2. Demonstrate good listening skills and collaborate effectively with colleagues, consultants, and other members of the health care team.
  3. 保持及时,准确的病历。
  4. Provide concise, accurate sign-outs to colleagues when transferring the care of patients.
  5. Act in a consultative role for other physicians and clinicians in need of Pediatric Otolaryngology expertise in the care of their patients.


Goal: Demonstrate an obligation to carry out professional responsibilities and maintain a high degree of integrity.


  1. 在所有行为和行动中表现出尊重,同情,正直和诚实。
  2. Acknowledge errors and take appropriate corrective actions.
  3. 以模拟负责任行为的方式进行自己的行为。
  4. 始终考虑患者,家庭和同事的需求;保持敏感并对多种患者人群的反应。
  5. 尊重患者的自主权和隐私。
  6. Comply with departmental and hospital policies.


Goal: Demonstrate an awareness of and responsiveness to the entire system of health care and utilize resources within that system to provide optimal patient care.


  1. 访问和利用医疗保健系统中的资源来提供最佳的患者护理。
  2. 有效地使用系统的方法来减少错误并改善患者护理。
  3. Enthusiastically participate in developing and implementing improvements within both the departmental and hospital setting.
  4. 在适当的情况下,证明对患者护理中的成本效益和风险效益分析的认识

Our goal is provide our fellows with an excellent foundation in all areas of pediatric otolaryngology from an educational, clinical, and research perspective. We feel it is essential for them to be familiar with the evaluation and management of both routine and complex cases in all aspects of our specialty.

Outlined below is a list of some of our complex/index conditions that we feel are important for our fellows to be exposed to during their training:

Congenital Anomalies

  • 分支裂缝异常
  • Thyroglossal Duct Cysts
  • Congenital Nasal Masses (i.e. Dermoids, Gliomas, Encephaloceles)
  • Vascular Tumors & Malformations (i.e. Hemangiomas and Lymphatic Malformations)

Head & Neck

  • Salivary Gland Disorders and Neoplasms
  • 甲状腺疾病和肿瘤
  • 良性和恶性小儿宫颈肿瘤(即横纹肌肉瘤和其他软组织肉瘤,淋巴瘤和神经母细胞瘤
  • 颅底肿瘤包括JNA


  • 气道内窥镜检查
  • Esophagoscopy
  • 空气消化区的外国拆除
  • Utilization of Laser
  • 气球扩张的利用
  • 内窥镜气道程序,包括喉裂修复
  • 露天气道程序,包括喉气管重建,炎症的重建,滑动气管成形术和开放式喉裂裂修复
  • 气管切开术


  • 鼓膜成形术

  • 乳突切除术

  • 鼓膜切除术

  • 骨化重建

  • 人工耳蜗植入

  • 骨整合植入


  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgical Procedures
  • 开放鼻窦手术程序
  • Open and Combined Endoscopic Skull Base Procedures
  • 利用内部operative Image Guidance
  • 修复Choanal闭锁和其他先天性鼻异常

Facial Plastics & Trauma

  • 封闭和开放的面部断裂
  • Management of Blunt and Open Cervicofacial Trauma
  • Cleft lip and/or Palate Repair
  • 咽成形术/咽瓣VPI程序
  • 耳状态成形术