

The Department of Ophthalmology at Boston Children's Hospital offers the latest and best in diagnostics and care for children with vision problems, no matter how simple or complex. We specialize in treating cataracts in babies and children, traumatic eye injuries, juvenile glaucoma, and a variety of other conditions and focus on patient-centered care.



  • 一种specialized儿科和成人斜视服务用于全面评估和治疗未对准的眼睛(斜视)。
  • 一种儿童白内障服务这是全国手术领导者,每年对婴儿和白内障儿童进行近50次手术。
  • 一种视网膜服务这在全球范围内以其在评估常见和罕见的视网膜退化条件的专业知识中使用最先进的诊断程序(包括电视图)(ERG)和视觉诱发潜力(VEP)测试来评估常见和罕见的视网膜退化条件的专业知识。
  • 由国际训练的矫形者组成的矫正服务,专门从事眼部肌肉问题的评估和治疗。我们的矫形者在儿科眼科医生的监督下工作,建议在指示时进行眼科运动,并在所有年龄段的儿童中进行斜视和视力测量。
  • 一种Pediatric Optometry Service to provide vision care specifically for patients with refractive concerns. Our fellowship-trained pediatric optometrists staff our Low Vision Service and the Contact Lens Service.
    • 一种低视力服务这为视觉降低的儿童提供了视觉辅助设备,包括放大镜,望远镜和闭路电视。
    • 一种comprehensive隐形眼镜服务这为接受过白内障手术的婴儿和其他适合所有年龄段的婴儿和儿童的婴儿提供了镜头。
  • 专门为儿童设计的眼科设备,包括:
    • Child-friendly visual acuity testing computers that switch from pictures to letters and even to cartoons to adjust to the abilities and needs of each individual patient.
    • 一种supine YAG laser, which makes it possible for babies and children to undergo state-of-the-art laser surgery while under anesthesia to treat "after-cataract" with laser instead of incisional surgery.
    • 一种23- and 25-gauge vitrectomy system to allow small-incision surgery to correct "after-cataract" when laser is not possible.
    • RETCAM,一种儿童友好的非乳清数字底面摄像头以及其他数字成像系统,可帮助记录和诊断早产和其他眼部疾病的视网膜病变以及选定的眼科手术病例。
    • 在波士顿儿童医院(Boston Children's Hospital)在这里开发的研究眼扫描仪,即使在探访儿科医生时也很容易错过的轻度斜视病例。如果未经治疗,这些温和的病例可能会随着时间的流逝而导致视力降低。
    • IOL大师确定白内障儿童的眼内镜头功率


  • The Department of Ophthalmology at Boston Children’s is the largest group of full-time practicing pediatric ophthalmologists in the United States with 25 ophthalmologists, 8 optometrists, and 7 orthoptists on staff.
  • 波士顿儿童的儿科眼科医生领导他们的同龄人的研究,以推动眼部疾病的诊断和治疗方式。
  • 我们其实并ts have pioneered specialized diagnostic and surgical techniques for babies and children.
  • 我们每年看到超过30,000名门诊病人,每年在我们的11个专业诊所中进行1,200多个手术程序

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