Current Environment:



Summer Student: Alexis Vicks

导师:医学博士Heather Burris,MPH

Training Period: Summer 2016

在波士顿儿童医院暑期学生计划期间,亚历克西斯·维克斯(Alexis Vicks)在医学博士希瑟·伯里斯(Heather Burris),MPH下研究了早产的遗传指标。这项研究导致发表的同行评审文章Current Epidemiology Reports。In addition to being a trainee of the Summer Student Program, Vicks is a Medical Student at University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences.

Vick, A. D., & Burris, H. H. (2017). Epigenetics and Health Disparities.Current Epidemiology Reports,4(1), 31–37.

Summer Student: Inbar Yamin

Mentor: Pankaj Agrawal, MBBS, MMSc/strong>

Training Period: Summer 2016

Inbar Yamin participated in the Summer Student Program in 2016. She studied the use of genomic information during the newborn period under Pankaj Argawal, MBBS, MMSc. As a result of this research an article was published inGenetics in Medicine。除了参加夏季学生课程外,INBAR还在马萨诸塞大学医学院完成医学学位。

Wojcik, M. H., Schwartz, T. S., Yamin, I., Edward, H. L., Genetti, C. A., Towne, M. C., and Agrawal, P. B. (2018). Genetic disorders and mortality in infancy and early childhood: Delayed diagnoses and missed opportunities. Genetics in Medicine. doi:10.1038/gim.2018.17

Summer Student: Nabgha Farhat, MD

Mentor: Ellen P. Grant, MD

Training Period: Summer 2015

作为一名夏季学生,医学博士Nabgha Farhat研究了人类胎儿大脑中的皮质折叠的时空模式,该模式是艾伦·P·格兰特(Ellen P.这项研究导致了大脑皮层。Since studying at Boston Children's Hospital, Nabgha completed Medical School at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, and is now a Pediatric Resident at the University of Chicago.

Tarui,T.,Madan,N.,Farhat,N.,Kitano,R.,Tanritanir Ceren,A.,Graham,G.,Gagoski,B.,Craig,A.,Iyer,V.,Pienaar,R.,Bianchi,dw。,Grant,Pe。,Im K.(2017)。与call体的发育不全的胎儿大脑中沟的沟渠位置混乱的模式。大脑皮层,28(9),3192-3203。doi:10.1093/cercor/bhx191

Summer Student: Erin Alyssa Straw Paul, MD

Mentor: Karen Puopolo, MD, PhD

Training Period: Summer 2008

Dr. Paul earned her medical degree from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, after participating in the Harvard Newborn Medicine Summer Student Program. Currently Dr. Paul is a Pediatric Cardiology Fellow at New York-Presbyterian Hospital of Columbia and Cornell. She carried out her residency at Cornell during which time her research focused on attitudes among doctors and nurses toward management of newborns with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) and the changes in those attitudes overtime. In collaboration with Thomas Starc, MD, MPH, she conducted a survey of CUMC doctors and nurses on their opinions of treatment options for newborns with HLHS. The results of which were presented at Eastern Society for Pediatric Research. Since then Dr. Paul's efforts in research have been rewarded with two awards. Firstly, the Andrew Kind Research Award in 2015, where, as principal investigator her research focused on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging error correction in pediatrics and congenital heart disease patients. The goal was to provide more patients with access to valuable test and improve the care of pediatric MRI studies. Secondly, in 2016, Dr. Paul was awarded the Matthew's Hearts of Hope Award, with a project titled "Assessment of Subclinical Myocardial Dysfunction Using Speckle Tracking Echocardiography in Young Children with Obesity." Her work has resulted in first-author papers recently published in小儿心脏病学andCardiology in the Young

夏季学生:医学博士Yana Pickman

Mentor: Marco Ramoni, PhD

Training Period: Summer 2003

Dr. Pikman earned her Medical Degreemagna cum laude来自哈佛医学院,并获得了ard Hughes Medical Institute Fellowship. She has gone on to become an Attending Physician at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Boston Children's Hospital, and is an Instructor in Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. In addition, Dr. Pikman holds a Hematologic Malignancy Genomics Tumor Board Leader Position. Her current research efforts focus on using genomic, genetic and proteomic approaches to develop new therapies for hematologic malignancies, to perform necessary pre-clinical studies with new therapies, as well as to develop assays for measuring biological markers that can be used in early phase clinical trials. Her research lies at the interface of the laboratory and the clinic in order to translate her laboratory findings to patient care. As a result, Dr. Pikman was awarded the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation Young Investigator Award. This has been followed by six more funded projects for which she in principal investigator, including the Boston Children's Hospital Faculty Career Development Fellowship and Translational Research Program Pilot Grant, the Leukemia Research Award from the Lauri Strauss Foundation, the International Award for Research in Leukemia from the Lady Tata Memorial Trust, and the Wong Family Award in Translational Oncology from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. In addition to these accomplishments, Dr. Pikman is currently supported by a Child Health Research Center K12 grant, and her research has recently resulted in first-author papers published in the实验医学杂志andClinical Cancer Research

Summer Student: Ann Ramsey Dahlberg, MD

Primary Mentor: Gary Silverman, MD, PhD

Training Period: Summer 2002

>在参加哈佛新生儿夏季学生研究计划之后,拉姆齐博士在哈佛医学院完成了医学培训。她目前是华盛顿大学血液学/肿瘤科儿科助理教授。她的临床专业知识涉及小儿干细胞移植,重点是脐带血移植和白血病。达勒伯格博士在2003年在弗雷德·哈奇(Fred Hutch)担任临床研究部研究助理时,授予了Wheels的Hyundai Hope Grant的希望,以支持她的研究,重点是减少高风险白血病患者的威胁生命的感染。从那以后,拉姆齐博士成为弗雷德·哈奇(Fred Hutch)临床研究部的助理成员,她的研究重点是脐带血移植,脐带血祖细胞的前体内扩展用于临床应用和支持。在此期间她是首席研究员。她最近的研究导致了一份第一名血液, and contributed to others in theNew England Journal of MedicineandThe Lancet Hematology

Student feedback about the program


  • "The Program did a good job introducing us to the full spectrum of newborn medicine by showing us what occurs in normal delivery and care, as well as special circumstances in the NICU and Infant Follow-Up."
  • “我真的很喜欢研究和临床工作是该计划的重点。现在,我对新生儿学的临床实践和新生儿研究的发展有了更好的了解。”
  • "The Program is a fantastic mix of clinical experience and research experience."
  • "Most of my peers in other programs were solely exposed to either research or clinics. That was what I thought was so great about this Program. The research was intense; however, I also got clinical exposure in a field of medicine that most medical students don't see until residency. The clinical exposure added an extra dimension to an already abstract experience, allowing us to see why the research we were taking part in was so important."
  • “这项研究很激烈,我能够完成一个我从未做过的项目。”
  • "I loved the case presentations every Wednesday, the shadowing opportunities, the binder chock-full of information…everything! It was all so well organized and put together, and I learned so much!"
  • "Loved the clinical aspect of the Program! I really enjoyed the weekly conferences and all the learning that took place."
  • “我一直对儿科感兴趣,但是我从未接触过新生儿学。该计划帮助我了解了有关新生儿学的更多信息,现在我认为这是一个未来的领域。”
  • “活动暴露了我没效果的其他领域atrics, such as developmental pediatrics, that I would like to pursue. Also, it has sold me on Boston as a place to train."
  • "Before this Program I was still deciding if I should apply for an M.D. or Ph.D. However, after this Program, I realized how much more I enjoy the clinical setting and how the M.D. path is definitely one that I should pursue."
  • “该计划使我对新生儿病学领域的曝光率很大。通过这种曝光和第一手经验,我将在时间到来时更有能力做出明智的职业决定。”
  • "This Program solidified my interest in pursuing a career in pediatrics and especially in engaging in clinical research."
  • "Through my experiences with the SSRP, I know now that I want to pursue a career as pediatric research physician, and spend the rest of my life caring for children."
  • "My research project coupled with clinical experiences with my mentor have sparked my interest/passion for neonatology, and I am looking forward to the direction this takes me."
  • “我真的很喜欢与其他夏季学生见面并学习他们的工作;在案件和其他学生的知识和技能方面,在团队中工作也很愉快。”
  • “我真的很喜欢该计划期间收到的自主权。我能够与我的大多数人见面并与他合作,从头开始设计实验。该计划的这一方面是不可替代的。”


  • To help keep us up-to-date on your educational and professional plans and accomplishments, send us an email to let us know where you are now, and what path your career has taken since your participation in the Summer Student Research Program (