Current Environment:

Research & Innovation |概述

nerve fibers axons


Active areas of investigation include developmental disorders, intellectual disability, autism, neuromuscular disorders, pain, epilepsy, neurometabolic disorders, eye-movement disorders, encephalopathy of prematurity, traumatic brain injury and more. The goal: to create better treatments.


  • genetics, genomics and gene therapy capabilities
  • 生物信息学专业知识
  • 组织库
  • a Human Neuron Core
  • a Neurobehavioral Developmental Core
  • 斑马鱼模型发现
  • brain electrophysiology facilities
  • an electromyography (EMG) laboratory
  • 发育神经生理学实验室
  • Epilepsy Genetics Program
  • 最先进的神经影像学专业知识。

研究中心in Neurology at Boston Children’s


  • 调频。柯比神经生物学中心结合基本和转化的神经科学研究,以了解神经系统,尤其是在遗传,分子,细胞和系统水平上的神经系统。它的成员旨在了解大脑的电路,了解干扰如何产生神经发育障碍并找到新的治疗方法。
  • 翻译神经科学中心seeks to improve the lives of children and adolescents with nervous system disorders through innovative clinical programs, basic science and efficient translation of novel ideas into diagnostic tools and treatments. The Center aims to establish ties between laboratory researchers, clinicians and industry to accelerate translation.
  • 智力和发展障碍研究中心(IDDRC)波士顿儿童是大约20个中心的国家,NIH资助的网络中最古老的成员之一,试图通过生物医学和行为研究来预防和治疗智力和发育障碍。

Clinical research and innovation in Neurology

Boston Children’s participates in a variety of drug trials, many of them initiated here, as well as clinical studies that track patients to continuously improve our care. We are also testing innovations such bracelets for detecting seizures or hand movements characteristic of neurologic disorders and conduct genetic research to help us better understand rare neurologic conditions.

Basic/translational neuroscience

Synapse development and brain plasticity

Several laboratories at Boston Children’s are investigating how connections or synapses between nerve cells in the developing brain are established, what enables connections to change over time and how synapse development can go awry to cause disease. The labs ofMichela Fagiolini, PhDand医学博士Chinfei Chen, for example, are using mouse models of Rett syndrome and the visual system to better understand this process. The lab of贝丝·史蒂文斯(Beth Stevens),博士,已经揭示了小胶质细胞和免疫分子在突触形成和消除中的作用,并显示出与正常脑发育以及精神分裂症和阿尔茨海默氏病等疾病的相关性。

Brain connectivity and signaling

几个波士顿儿童实验室,包括Mustafa Sahin, MD, PhD, andXi He, PhD,已经研究了生化信号如何调节大脑电路发展过程。Sahin的实验室通过研究结节性硬化症的重点,该问题经常通过计算技术来帮助通过小鼠模型和结构性脑成像,包括自闭症。Takao Hensch博士,研究大脑连接性以及特定“关键时期”在大脑发育中所起的作用。


这lab of克利福德·伍尔夫(Clifford Woolf),博士,正在研究选择性抑制疼痛神经纤维或轴突的新方法,并正在对患者皮细胞制成的神经元进行建模。

Nerve regeneration

几个实验室,包括Zhigang He, PhD, andLarry Benowitz, PhD, are looking for ways to regenerate nerve fibers in the central nervous system that could someday help patients with optic nerve trauma, glaucoma or spinal cord injury.


神经科医生的实验室Scott Pomeroy, MD, PhD,正在应用晚期遗传学技术,包括基因组测序和全基因组表达研究,以在肿瘤(如髓母细胞瘤)上定义生物学和临床上不同的亚型。他确定的许多突变都在表观遗传调节分子中。根据他的发现,儿童肿瘤学组现在正在使用分子标记物进行下一代临床试验,以对脑肿瘤患者的疾病风险进行分层。


在正在进行的极低胎龄新生儿(Elgan)研究中,医学博士Alan Leviton,同事们已经确定了炎症,而胎龄则是脑瘫的危险因素。



从我们1920年代的起源开始,神经病学系一直在寻求答案。我们的第一位儿童神经科医生,布朗森·克罗斯(Bronson Crothers),医学博士,开始探究1950年代脑瘫的机制,而跟随他的脚步的医学博士兰道夫·拜尔斯(Randolph Byers)则是第一个识别铅中毒作为学习问题的铅中毒的人在1940年代。医学博士威廉·伦诺克斯(William Lennox)在1920年代帮助对童年癫痫进行了分类,并继续定义其神经生理学和遗传学。阅读有关我们历史的更多信息。
