

条件and programs in the Department of Neurology


What if I don’t see my child’s condition listed?
首先尝试将其键入此页面顶部的搜索框。我们将许多罕见状况视为太多了,无法在此处列出。如果那不起作用,请致电我们617-355-6388and our staff can advise you.

What if I don’t know what my child has?
If you don’t yet know the cause of your child’s symptoms, please call us at617-355-6388. Our staff can point you to a specific program or arrange for your child to see one of our general neurologists.

What if my child has more than one condition?
If you’re not sure which program to contact, call us at617-355-6388and we’ll help you figure out the best place to start.Some of our services cut across multiple conditions.

如果我已经参考了red here for a diagnostic test?
联系我们and we can take care of scheduling the test. You may also want to visit ourResourcespage for information about these tests.

条件we treat

  • 自闭症谱系障碍
    OurAutism Spectrum Center与儿童神经科医生,发育行为的儿科医生,精神科医生,遗传学家,胃肠病学家,言语/语言治疗师等坐标。
  • Birth defects
    我们为儿童提供神经护理脑积水,spina bifida以及其他各种先天性异常。
  • Brain or spinal cord injury
  • Brain or spinal cord tumor
    Dana-Farber/儿童医院癌症中心的Brain Tumor Centeroffers advanced diagnostics and treatments for malignant and non-malignant tumors.
  • CDKL5 Clinic
    OurCDKL5 Clinic向整个波士顿儿童医院计划提供CDKL5疾病专业护理的儿童。欧宝彩票平台
  • Cerebral palsy
    We offer neurologic evaluations and care as part of the脑性麻痹中心.
  • Cerebrovascular disease
    TheStroke and Cerebrovascular Center为患有中风,非创伤性出血的儿童提供先进的成像和护理,或者血管疾病或可能使大脑处于危险中的畸形。
  • Epilepsy and seizures
    TheEpilepsy Centerprovides multi-pronged, individualized care to help infants, children and teens lead seizure-free lives. We see patients in Boston and several suburban locations, and also have an癫痫遗传学计划.
  • 头痛
  • Infantile Spasms Program
    TheInfantile Spasms Programis dedicated to providing timely evaluation, testing, treatment and follow-up for infants with new infantile spasms, refractory infantile spasms, and later-onset epileptic spasms.
  • Learning difficulties
    The学习障碍计划provides comprehensive evaluations to help school-age children with cognitive, academic and social development.
  • Mitochondrial disorders
    The线粒体程序provides diagnostic services and care for children with mitochondrial disorders, such as Kearns Sayre syndrome, Leigh’s disease, MELAS, MERRF, MNGIE and Pearson syndrome.
  • Movement disorders
    Neurologist Claudio Melo de Gusmao, MD, evaluates and cares for children with ataxia, chorea, dystonia, myoclonus, tremor, tic disorders/Tourette syndrome, and other disorders with neurosurgeonScellig Stone, MD.
  • 多发性硬化症(MS)和相关条件
    The Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders Programcares for children and teens with MS, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, acute transverse myelitis and optic neuritis.
  • Neurofibromatosis
    TheNeurofibromatosis Program提供全面的诊断评估,后续护理和遗传咨询,并提供多个临床试验的入学率。
  • Neuro-immune disorders
    The小儿神经免疫学计划treats autoimmune disorders affecting the brain and spinal cord, such as opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome, central nervous system vasculitis, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, lupus and auto-immune encephalitis.
  • 神经代谢障碍
    TheNeurometabolic Programdiagnoses and treats metabolic disorders including urea cycle disorders, lysosomal storage disorders, leukodystrophies and mitochondrial disorders.
  • Neuromuscular conditions
  • Rett syndrome
    TheRett Syndrome Program, the only such program in New England, cares for both children and adults with Rett syndrome and conducts research into new treatments.
  • Sleep problems
    The睡眠中心cares for babies and children of all ages with all kinds of sleep problems, offering consults and overnight sleep studies.
  • Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
  • Stroke
    TheStroke and Cerebrovascular Center提供急性和长期的高级成像和护理。
  • Sturge-Weber syndrome
    TheSturge-Weber综合征诊所brings together multiple specialists to diagnose this disorder and treat its complications.
  • Tuberous sclerosis (TS)
    TheMulti-Disciplinary Tuberous Sclerosis Program汇集了多种专业,以提供神经系统和医疗护理,并进行积极的研究以寻找新的治疗方法。