
Goals of the training program



Clinical training

研究金的第一年是主要临床。研究员有机会参加由Division of General Pediatricsat Boston Children’s Hospital and in community sites.

Opportunities for deep clinical exposure will occur in the following areas:

  • 初级保健医疗家
  • 咨询护理协调
  • multidisciplinary clinic care
  • 围手术期护理
  • inpatient care
  • palliative care
  • 紧急护理
  • 家庭护理
  • 远程医疗
  • post-acute facility care
  • skilled nursing facility care

Complex Care fellows will also provide longitudinal care throughout the fellowship to their own cohort of children with medical complexity. Fellows will be the primary manager of the children’s health, working to fulfill all of the children’s healthcare needs, including chronic medications, durable medical equipment, acute illness treatment, specialty co-management of coexisting conditions, etc. Fellows are expected to fully integrate with nurses, social workers, case managers, therapists, schedulers, and other healthcare professionals in these efforts. Fellows also participate in various multidisciplinary clinical programs, with the potential for other clinical experiences based on individual interests.

  • 彩虹计划:有特殊医疗保健需求的儿童和青少年的初级保健医疗之家。
  • 复杂护理服务(CCS):现有基于社区的初级保健提供者的儿童咨询健康之家。CCS提供门诊诊所就诊,专用的住院住院医生服务和家庭就诊。
  • 脑瘫和痉挛中心:Care of children and youth with cerebral palsy and abnormal muscle tone, through collaboration with Orthopedics, Physiatry, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Augmentative Communication, physical and occupational therapy, social work, and CCS.
  • Spina Bifida and Spinal Cord Conditions Center:Care of children and youth withspina bifida,通过与神经外科,泌尿外科, Nephrology, Gastroenterology, Plastic Surgery, Orthopedics, Physiatry, Endocrinology, physical therapy, social work, and CCS.
  • 气化中心:Care of children and youth who havedysphagia, feeding problems, respiratory symptoms, and related gastrointestinal issues, through collaboration with Gastroenterology, Pulmonology, Feeding Team, Nutrition, social work, and CCS.
  • 颅面计划:Care of children and youth with a craniofacial condition, through collaboration with Plastic Surgery, Oral Surgery, Neurosurgery, Dentistry, Genetics, social work, and CCS.




Medical education training


  • evaluate and manage common clinical issues in children with medical complexity (including pain/irritability, aspiration, feeding difficulties, and abnormal muscle tone)
  • provide routine care and troubleshoot common issues for children with medical complexity who use medical technology
  • provide comprehensive perioperative assessment and management for children with medical complexity
  • develop and implement safety and emergency plans for children with medical complexity
  • 进行有效的,基于团队的,患者和以家庭为中心的护理协调
  • 倡导医学复杂性的儿童及其家人

研究员通过诊所研讨会和医院范围的课程接受正式培训,并有机会参加职业发展课程,专门的临床教学和复杂护理的期刊俱乐部。研究员还将教居民关怀医疗复杂性的儿童。研究员有机会参加Harvard Medical Schooland in theBoston Combined Residency Program, the pediatric residency program based at Boston Children’s Hospital and波士顿医疗中心.

For further information and to apply

研究员hip director:
Kathleen Huth, MD, MMSc, FRCPC

研究员hip coordinator:
Olivia Deverix
