
What is ulcerative colitis?

溃疡性结肠炎is a type ofinflammatory bowel disease其中大肠(结肠)和直肠的内壁发炎。炎症通常从直肠开始,降低大肠,并向上扩散,可能涉及整个结肠。溃疡性结肠炎腹泻并经常排空结肠。随着结肠表面的细胞死亡并掉落,溃疡(开放疮)形成,导致脓,粘液和出血。

溃疡性结肠炎may occur at any age but is most common in older children and young adults and may run in some families. Although there is no cure, the right treatment plan can minimize or eliminate溃疡性结肠炎症状with medication, lifestyle changes and, in some cases, surgery. The condition also can go into periods of remission.


溃疡性结肠炎affects all patients differently, but the most common symptom is frequent, bloody diarrhea.

Other common ulcerative colitis symptoms include:

  • 腹痛
  • fatigue
  • 减肥
  • loss of appetite
  • rectal bleeding
  • loss of body fluids and nutrients
  • anemia caused by severe bleeding

Some patients may also experience:

  • skin lesions
  • joint pain
  • eye inflammation
  • liver disorders
  • 骨质疏松症
  • rashes
  • 肾结石


专家尚不知道溃疡性结肠炎的原因,但这是active research. We believe that both genes and environment play a role. We also know that the immune system is involved, which is why ulcerative colitis treatment often involves medication to reduce its activity.

How we care for ulcerative colitis

At the Boston Children’s炎症性肠病中心, our team believes that, with proper management, all children and teens with ulcerative colitis can live comfortably. We partner with you and your child to effectively manage IBD and provide support through all life stages, from school and relationships to work.


How is ulcerative colitis diagnosed in children?

Diagnosing ulcerative colitisbegins with an examination and a detailed medical history. Your child’s clinician will rule out other possible causes and may recommend one or more of the following tests:

  • 血液检查
  • stool sample tests
  • endoscopy
  • 结肠镜检查
  • video capsule endoscopy
  • MR enterography
  • 活检
  • imaging studies



一致ulcerative colitis treatmentand a good understanding of the condition, the vast majority of children with the condition go on to live full and active lives. Depending on the severity ofsymptoms,治疗溃疡性结肠炎通常需要多种方法:


Drug therapy can reduce inflammation and control symptoms.溃疡性结肠炎药物may include:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs, such as steroids, to bring the disease under control
  • immune system suppressants that can reduce swelling
  • 治疗相关并发症的抗生素,例如脓肿或瘘管
  • antiulcer/H2 blockers (acid-reducing medications) to treat related ulcers and irritation

Nutrition support

All of our patients have the option to meet a registered dietitian who will develop an ulcerative colitis diet to help control your child’s symptoms and improve health.


A percentage of children, adolescents, and young adults with ulcerative colitis, who do not respond to or have significant side effects to medications, may need surgery. Surgical treatment includes removal of the colon, also called the large bowel (colectomy), and the creation of an internal “J” shaped reservoir (J-pouch)在两个或三个手术程序中,称为“阶段”,基于特定情况可能包括:

  • 回肠造口术:腹部手术创建的临时开口。小肠的末端是通过此开口带来的,形成了造口。一个小袋(或骨造口袋)戴在造口上以收集凳子,每天被多次清空。
  • ileoanal j袋:此过程是从小肠中创建内部J袋,然后连接到肛门。去除结肠后,它可以通过肛门消除粪便。经过所有手术后,造口消失了,可以以“正常方式”去洗手间。

