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Tourette's syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by multiple repeated tics. Tics are abrupt, purposeless, and involuntary vocal sounds or muscular jerks. They can involve any body part and may vary in severity — from very mild and hardly noticeable to very disrupting, frequent and severe.


近10%的学龄儿童经历了短暂的TIC疾病,这是最常见的TIC疾病类型,症状持续至少4个月,但不超过一年。在压力时期,短暂性抽动疾病的症状可能更普遍fatigue,,,,or as a result of certain types of medications, and may be confused with other symptoms of nervousness,焦虑或许多孩子经历的不安。




What are the symptoms of Tourette's syndrome?

Tic behaviors seen in Tourette's syndrome change over time, and vary in frequency and complexity. The following are the most common tic behaviors associates with Tourette's syndrome. However, each child experiences symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

  • involuntary, purposeless, motor movements (may involve different parts of the body, such as the face, neck, shoulders, trunk, or hands)
  • head jerking
  • squinting
  • blinking
  • 耸耸肩
  • grimacing
  • nose-twitching
  • 任何重复重复的动作(即脚敲击,腿抽搐,刮擦)

Some of the more complex tic behaviors associated with Tourette's syndrome may appear purposeful, and may include the following:

  • kissing
  • 伸出舌头或唇lick刺
  • 感人的行为
  • making obscene gestures

In addition to some, or all, of the above symptoms, Tourette's is also characterized by one or more vocal tics (meaningless sound), in order for a diagnosis to be made, including the following:

  • grunting or moaning sounds
  • barks
  • tongue clicking
  • sniffs
  • 倒彩
  • 淫秽
  • 喉咙清除,鼻烟或咳嗽
  • 吱吱作响的声音
  • 嘶嘶声
  • spitting
  • whistling
  • gurgling
  • 反复回声或短语

有40%的患有Tourette综合征的儿童和青少年也有注意力问题,而30%的儿童和青少年有学术困难。但是,大多数人具有正常的智力,并且通常没有主要的学习障碍。25%至30%也经历了症状obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD), which is an焦虑disorder一个人有一个不合理的思想,恐惧或活动(痴迷),他/她试图通过仪式化活动(强迫)来减轻焦虑。


What causes Tourette's syndrome?

Tourette's syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder. Autosomal means that both males and females are affected, and dominant means that one copy of the gene is necessary to have the condition. This means that a parent with Tourette's syndrome or a parent who has the gene for Tourette's syndrome has a 50/50 chance, with each pregnancy, to pass the gene on. Tourette's syndrome is associated with a non-genetic cause in 10 to 15 percent of children. Complications of pregnancy,低出生体重,,,,头部外伤,,,,carbon monoxide poisoning,,,,and脑炎are thought to be associated with the onset of non-genetic Tourette's.

Dominant disorders exhibit something known as incomplete penetrance, which means that not everyone with the gene will have symptoms of Tourette's syndrome. In other words, if a parent passes the gene on to a child, the child may not have any symptoms of the syndrome. If a daughter inherits the gene, there is a 70 percent chance that she will have at least one of the signs of Tourette's. On the other hand, if a son inherits the gene, there is a 90 percent chance that he will have at least one of the signs of Tourette's.

Finally, dominant syndromes can also exhibit something known as variable expressivity. This means that there are differences in the expression of the Tourette's syndrome gene in different people. For example, one person with Tourette's syndrome may haveobsessive-compulsive disorder,而另一个慢性抽搐综合症,another has full-blown Tourette's syndrome. In addition, there are differences in expressivity between males and females: males are more likely to have full-blown Tourette's syndrome or chronic tics, while females are more likely to have obsessive-compulsive disorder.


How is Tourette's syndrome diagnosed?

儿科医生、儿童精神病学家或一个合格的mental health professional usually identifies Tourette's syndrome in children and adolescents. A comprehensive evaluation of the child or adolescent's psychological, social, and educational status is recommended, as well as a thorough medical, developmental, and family assessment. A detailed history of the child's behavior from parents and teachers, in addition to observations of the child's behavior, contribute to making the diagnosis.



  • 您孩子的年龄,整体健康和病史
  • the extent of disruption caused by tic behavior
  • your child's tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies
  • expectations for the course of the syndrome
  • 您的意见或偏好

症状对儿童或青少年的自我概念,家庭和同伴关系以及课堂参与的影响决定了治疗中可能需要解决的需求。在许多情况下,TD并不是禁用的。开发可能正常进行,也不需要治疗。但是,当抽动干扰功能或学校表现时,和/或其他疾病也存在(obsessive-compulsive disorder,,,,注意缺乏/多动症),有一些有效的药物。TD的儿童通常在家里和普通教室中可以很好地发挥作用。如果他们有情感或学习问题,他们可能需要特殊的课程,心理治疗和/或药物。


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