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std |概述

What is an STD?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infectious diseases spread through sexual contact. These infections are very common, especially among young people. The U.S. has some of the highest rates of STDs in the industrialized world.

任何性爱的人都可以得到性病,但年轻人受到特别影响。25岁以下的人中有三分之二的性病发生,主要是因为年轻人更有可能性活跃。在一项研究中Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),在14至19岁之间的四分之一女孩被确定为四种性传播疾病(STD)中的至少一个:人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV),衣原体,疱疹单纯形病毒和trichomonisis。

The rates of STDs are on the rise, possibly because of higher rates of sexual activity with multiple sex partners. Many STDs such as AIDS, herpes, and syphilis can be passed on from mother to the baby at birth. STDs can also causelow birthweightpremature babies。患有感染母亲的婴儿可能会有问题肺炎,眼部感染和脑损伤。

What are the symptoms of STDs?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can include a range of symptoms, or no symptoms at all, which is why they frequently go unnoticed . Signs and symptoms that might mean you or your child has an STD include:

  • abnormal or odd-smelling genital discharge
  • 排尿期间燃烧的感觉
  • open sores or bumps on the genitals or in the oral or rectal area
  • unusual vaginal bleeding
  • pain during sex
  • 酸痛,腹股沟肿胀
  • fever


Generally, STDs are transmitted by sexual contact, passed from person to person in blood, semen, or vaginal and other bodily fluids. However, sometimes these infections can be transmitted non-sexually — either through blood transfusions or shared needles, or during pregnancy from mother to child.

STDs do not always cause symptoms and are often contracted from people who seem healthy, and who may not even be aware they have an infection. STDs don't always cause symptoms, which is one of the reasons experts prefer the term "sexually transmitted infections" to "sexually transmitted diseases."


The prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases is a top priority at Boston Children's Hospital. There are many different types of STDs with varying symptoms and severities, and Boston Children's has different programs that provide young people and parents with the testing, treatment, and counseling they need.

At theDivision of Gynecology和the青少年/年轻成人药,我们鼓励父母在成为青少年或决定做爱之前与孩子谈论性别。

std |诊断和治疗

What are the treatment options for STDs?


How can my child prevent getting an STD?

The only way you or your child can completely prevent an STD is to not have sex. The younger a person is when they begin to have sex for the first time, the more susceptible they become to developing an STD. As parents, you can't always control this part of your child's life, but talk to them about sex and STDs early.

If sexually active, the best thing is to use a latex condom each and every time you have sex and avoid multiple sex partners. Always make sure your partner knows their STD status before having sex. Remember, gay and lesbian sexual activity can pass STDs just as easily as heterosexual sex.

Precautionary measures, recommended by theNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, can help to reduce your risk of developing a sexually transmitted disease. These include the following:

  • 与未感染的伴侣有相互婚姻的性关系
  • use (consistently and correctly) a male condom
  • use a barrier method for sex between females
  • don't inject drugs, or use sterile needles if injecting intravenous drugs
  • 定期检查性病
  • learn the symptoms of STDs and seek medical help as soon as possible if any symptoms develop
  • use a condom during anal sex
  • avoid douching

std |程式& Services
