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What is slipped capital femoral epiphysis?




滑capi的症状是什么tal femoral epiphysis?

Some signs and symptoms can include:

  • 臀部疼痛因活动而加剧,可能会随着休息而消退
  • 腹股沟,大腿或膝盖的疼痛,除了 - 或不取代臀部疼痛
  • walking with a limp, trouble walking, or feeling like the leg is "giving way"
  • walking with a leg turned outward (unilateral slip)
  • walking with a waddle (bilateral slip)
  • inability to sit with knees straight ahead (knees tend to turn outward)


In pre-adolescent and adolescent growth and development, a child is growing quickly as adult hormones begin to circulate in his or her system. The growth plate (the area at the end of bone responsible for growth, which is not as strong as bone) gets weaker because it’s broadening. These phenomena, combined with certain anatomical factors, such as the shapes of the femur and the socket, can lead to slippage.



  • obesity
  • hormonal abnormalities (thyroid, etc.)
  • 遗传倾向(家庭运行)
  • medications, such as steroids
  • radiation treatment
  • 化学疗法
  • bone problems related to kidney disease

SCFE is usually an emergency and must be diagnosed and treated early. In 20 to 40 percent of affected children, SCFE will be present in both hips at the time the child is diagnosed. If only one hip is affected, the other hip will eventually slip 30 to 60 percent of the time. Treatment is surgical.

How we care for SCFE


Patient resources

为SCFE下载我们的患者情况说明书to learn more about this condition and how the hip specialists in Boston Children’s Child and Young Adult Hip Preservation Program provide comprehensive care throughout each patient’s treatment.

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Your child’s doctor will conduct a physical exam, during which he or she can often feel the ball popping in and out of the socket. The doctor will also take a family history (including any hip problems in your family) and may use diagnostic tests to get detailed images of your child’s hip joint.

In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, diagnostic procedures for SCFE may include:

  • X-ray: a diagnostic test that uses invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones and organs onto film. To diagnose SCFE, front and side views are usually needed, as well as views of the opposite knee.
  • MRI(magnetic resonance imaging)
  • 骨扫描,血液检查(很少需要)

How is slipped capital femoral epiphysis treated?


SCFE的护理标准是有限的开放手术,该手术使用steel screws and pins (internal fixation) to hold the femoral head onto the femur to stabilize it and prevent from slipping further. Some children need more complex surgery to realign the femur or reshape the bone.

如果患有轻度SCFE病例的孩子仍然相对免疼痛,则父母可能会被诱使未经治疗的孩子的诊断状况。但是,不加治疗,SCFE几乎总是随着时间的流逝而恶化 - 球可能会完全滑落。即使孩子在没有严重的疼痛或明显的lim弱的情况下成长为青春期,不可避免的是,未经治疗的臀部会磨损并在成年后成为关节炎。


波士顿儿童的SCFE治疗的成功率很高。一旦症状出现,请尽快治疗您的孩子的臀部,大大增加了成功结果的可能性Most children treated for SCFE at Boston Children’s have treatments that enable them walk, play, grow and live active lives.


为SCFE下载我们的患者情况说明书to learn more about this condition and how the hip specialists in Boston Children’s Child and Young Adult Hip Preservation Program provide comprehensive care throughout each patient’s treatment.

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