

Shwachman-Diamond综合症(SDS)rare, inherited bone marrow failure, characterized by a low number of white blood cells, poor growth due to difficulty absorbing food, and, in some cases, skeletal abnormalities. SDS is named for Boston Children's Hospital doctors Harry Shwachman, MD, and Louis Diamond, MD, who were among the researchers to first describe the condition in 1964. Most infants with SDS are born with the condition, with symptoms usually appearing by 4 to 6 months of age.


Children with SDS have a small but significant chance of developing blood disorders such asmyelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)或者白血病。近5%的患有这种疾病的儿童将发展为白血病,成年后风险升至25%。

In addition, recurring infections, including肺炎,耳朵, and skin infections, are common. Many children with SDS also have growth problems and vitamin A, D, E, and K deficiencies.

What are the symptoms of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome?


  • 慢性的腹泻
  • 由于白细胞计数低而引起的经常感染
  • 增长不佳
  • pale skin
  • 缺乏能量或轻松疲倦(fatigue)
  • bruising, or a red or purple pinpoint rash on the face or body
  • 流血(例如流血的牙龈,流鼻血,粪便中的血液)
  • 骨骼异常,包括生长板的变化,肋骨畸形,脊柱侧弯(脊柱的曲率),牙齿发育延迟,牙科,cavities, and gum problems

Aftercystic fibrosis, SDS is the next most common cause of pancreatic insufficiency, which makes it difficult for patients to digest and absorb food.

Other signs can include:

  • anemia
  • 血小板减少症(最多30%的SDS儿童发生)



基因检测can identify the precise mutation in about 90 percent of children with SDS. It is believed that an as-yet-unidentified gene is responsible for the remaining 10 percent.


Children with SDS are treated atDana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Centerthrough our骨髓衰竭和骨髓增生综合征计划, recognized as one of the nation’s best pediatric treatment and research programs for bone marrow failure and related conditions. Our patients have access to advanced treatments and diagnosis, including DNA mutation identification and ongoingclinical trials调查新疗法。



Dana-Farber/Boston Children's is a leading member of theSDS Registry, which works with patients to collect blood and bone marrow for SDS research. Collections and registries like this help researchers and physicians better understand genetic and molecular aspects of disease and how they relate to patients' clinical outcomes — first steps to identifying possible new treatments. In addition, Dana-Farber/Boston Children's physician-scientists are investigating the role of molecules called microRNAs, which can control how genes are expressed, in SDS.



Doctors diagnose Shwachman-Diamond syndrome (SDS) with:

  • blood work to evaluate red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets
  • kidney, liver and pancreatic function tests
  • 胰腺刺激测试 - 测量胰腺对秘密素的反应的能力,这是一种参与食物吸收的激素
  • stool collection
  • skeletal survey to evaluate bones
  • 骨髓活检和抽吸 - 可以通过抽吸和在局部麻醉和有意识的镇静下进行针头活检去除骨髓,以使孩子在手术过程中保持镇定和舒适。在骨髓抽吸中,从骨髓中除去液体样品。在针头活检中,骨髓细胞(非液体)被去除。这些方法始终一起使用。
  • genetic testing

After all tests are completed, doctors will be able to outline the best treatment options.

What are the treatment options for SDS?


  • Pancreatic enzyme replacement – to help break food down into smaller, more absorbable nutrients
  • Intravenous antibiotics – especially when white blood cell counts are low
  • Growth factor therapy with granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) – to stimulate the bone marrow to make more white blood cells
  • 骨科手术 - 取决于特定的骨骼问题
  • 输血 - 适用于贫血和/或出血高风险的儿童
  • Ongoing regular dental care

