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Pelvic Pain |概述

What is pelvic pain?

Adolescent girls and women frequently experience pain in the region below the belly button and between the hips, commonly called pelvic pain. Depending on the cause of the discomfort, pelvic pain and can either be short-lived or chronic.

Up to 33 percent of women will have pelvic pain during their lifetime.骨盆疼痛的范围从轻度和烦人到严重,并且会干扰睡眠,工作和日常活动。

骨盆疼痛的原因通常难以识别,但这并不意味着疼痛不是真实和可治疗的。Stress and depression can manifest as pelvic pain, and chronic pain can also lead to depression.

How we care for pelvic pain

At Boston Children's Hospital, theDivision of Gynecologycan help young women determine the cause of the pelvic pain, and also provide testing to identify any potentially life-threatening condition.

Pelvic Pain |症状和原因


The experience of pelvic pain can differ from patient to patient. A woman should seek medical help once the pain interferes with her daily schedule. Possible symptoms include:

  • 骨盆区域的严重疼痛
  • 来来去去的痛苦
  • dull aching
  • sharp pains or cramping
  • pressure or heaviness deep within her pelvis
  • pain during sexual intercourse
  • 排便时疼痛
  • pain upon sitting down

What causes pelvic pain?

Pelvic pain can have many causes, gynecological, gastrointestinal or psychological. Common causes include:

  • endometriosis
  • tension in your pelvic floor muscles
  • chronic pelvic inflammatory disease
  • 骨盆拥塞综合征
  • ovarian remnant
  • 卵巢囊肿
  • 子宫肌瘤
  • 肠易激综合症
  • painful bladder syndrome, also called interstitial cystitis
  • psychological factors, such as depression, stress or the effects of abuse

Pelvic Pain |诊断和治疗



  • Imaging technology:超声,磁共振成像(MRI),computerized tomography (CT)或者abdominal X-rayshelp physicians detect endometriosis or other abnormalities.
  • 文化: Swabs taken from her vagina or cervix may detect infection or sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Laparoscopy: A thin tube with a camera attached to its end provides an effective way for a gynecologist to check for endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease.

How is pelvic pain treated?


  • Antibiotics
  • Pain relievers:在柜台或处方止痛药物上可以部分缓解骨盆疼痛。通常,仅止痛药就不会完全治疗骨盆疼痛。
  • Hormone treatments:If the pain is connected to the menstrual cycle, birth control pills or other hormonal treatments may be able to relieve the cyclical pain.
  • Antidepressants:Useful in a variety of chronic pain conditions, even if the patient isn'tdepressed. Certain antidepressants, such as amitriptyline and nortriptyline (Aventyl, Pamelor) among others have been found to relieve pain as well as depression.
  • Counseling:Psychological stress can manifest as pelvic pain in women. Counseling should be a part of treatment if she is coping with a personality disorder, sexual abuse, depression or troubled relationships.
  • Physical therapy:Stretching exercises, massage, heating or cooling pads or transcutaneous (TENS) nerve stimulation can help relieve pelvic pain.
  • Trigger point injections:If the pain is coming from a specific spot, your physician may suggest a direct injection of a long-lasting local anesthetic to ease the pain.
  • Nerve separation (ablation):有时在神经系统的途径中发生沟通会导致骨盆疼痛。这样的治疗方法包括使用热或激光破坏某些神经,手术以去除它们或注射药物以阻止神经功能。
  • Surgery:If endometriosis or pelvic adhesions are at the root of the pelvic pain, surgery to remove the problem could be the solution. During laparoscopic surgery, a physician makes small incisions in the abdomen with the help of a small camera attached to a tube. A hysterectomy is a last resort to relieve pelvic pain.

Pelvic Pain |Programs & Services
