
What is a pectus excavatum?

Pectus Excavatum,也称为凹胸部或漏斗箱,是孩子胸壁的畸形。胸骨或胸骨和一些肋骨异常生长,导致胸部中间凹陷。这种情况在出生时并不总是引人注目的,但在孩子2到3时通常显然是显而易见的。在某些情况下,这种病只会随着孩子的成长而出现。


Also, approximately 15 percent of children who have pectus excavatum end up developing a condition called脊柱侧弯(curvature of the spine).


漏斗胸的症状举取决于当the condition is diagnosed. In infancy, symptoms of pectus excavatum can include:

  • 胸部的空心凹陷可能宽阔,浅,深而狭窄或不规则
  • more rapid breathing than normal


  • 劳累或运动时的呼吸急促
  • chest pain
  • 脊柱的横向曲率,上背部的曲线不存在,钩状肩膀和宽阔的胸部

What causes pectus excavatum?

没有已知的毛孔雕像原因。一些研究遗传成分的研究正在进行中。尽管大多数案件不涉及家族史,但有许多案件确实如此 - 足以值得怀疑基因可能发挥重要作用。

我们如何照顾pectus excavatum

Pectus and Chest Wall Treatment Programat Boston Children's Hospital evaluates and treats infants, children and young adults using state-of-the-art operative methods to improve the quality of life for each child entrusted to our care.

Our surgeons prefer to operate on children with pectus excavatum — if they operate at all — during the child's teen years. By then, children are through most of their growth spurts and have much lower risk of recurrence.

如果您的孩子患有脊柱侧弯,脊柱分裂at Boston Children’s is one of the nation’s foremost pediatric treatment and research centers.

pectus excavatum |Diagnosis & Treatments

How is pectus excavatum diagnosed?

通常在体格检查期间诊断出胸肌。X射线of the chest can be helpful, as well.

Other tests your child's doctor might recommend include:

Pectus Excavatum有哪些治疗选择?

If your child has a mild case of pectus excavatum, there's probably no reason for surgery. A shallow excavatum is unlikely to affect the heart or lung functioning, and your child's appearance will remain normal.

If the deformity is causing physical or social problems, it can be surgically repaired. There are two surgical options, both of which require your child to be put under general anesthesia.




In this procedure, the surgeon makes incisions on the side of your child's chest wall. The surgeon then inserts a bar laterally through the chest and moves the breastbone forward. No cartilage is removed, and scarring is less extensive.





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