Current Environment:


专利导管动脉桥是先天性心脏病where there is a persistent connection between the pulmonary artery and the aorta. This causes blood to mix between the two arteries and forces the heart and lungs to work harder.


几乎所有婴儿出生与一个小连接between the pulmonary artery and aorta, called the ductus arteriosus. During pregnancy, this opening is necessary to allow oxygen-rich (red) blood to bypass the baby's lungs and flow into the body. In most cases, the ductus arteriosus closes naturally after birth.


In babies with patent ductus, the ductus arteriosus remains open (patent). This allows the oxygen-rich (red) blood to mix with oxygen-poor (blue) blood and forces the lungs and heart to handle a larger amount of blood than is normal.w


Also, because blood is pumped at high pressure through the patent ductus, the lining of the pulmonary artery may become irritated and inflamed. Bacteria in the bloodstream can easily infect this injured area, causing a serious illness known asbacterial endocarditis

The extra blood that flows to the lungs through the patent ductus increases the workload of the heart and can lead to heart failure.



A child with a small patent ductus might not have any symptoms, and your child's doctor may only discover the defect by hearing aheart murmur

Babies with a larger patent ductus may have the following symptoms:

  • 疲劳
  • sweating
  • 快速呼吸
  • heavy breathing
  • 拥挤的呼吸
  • 喂食时不感兴趣的喂养或累人
  • 体重增加不佳

What are the causes of patent ductus arteriosus?

Almost all children have a small connection between the aorta and pulmonary artery at birth. It is not known why some children have a connection that doesn’t close.


我们在波士顿儿童医院治疗专利导管的方法本森家庭心脏中心is a carefully coordinated approach by multiple specialties. We offer treatments, including medical therapy, minimally invasive catheter-based interventions, and minimally invasive surgical solutions.

Our areas of innovation for patent ductus arteriosus



专利导管动脉|Diagnosis & Treatments


Patent ductus arteriosis is often first detected when your doctor hears an abnormal heart sound orheart murmurwhen listening to your baby’s heart.



一个小动脉导管未闭可能接近它own as your child grows. For infants with a large patent ductus arteriosus who do not have any symptoms, the repair may be delayed until the child is bigger. If your child has a patent ductus arteriosus that causes symptoms (like difficulty breathing or difficulty gaining weight appropriately) or that strains the heart, a cardiologist will check periodically to see whether the patent ductus is closing on its own. If it remains open, it can be actively closed with a medicine or procedure.


The goal is to close the patent ductus arteriosus before the lungs become damaged from too much blood flow. In premature infants, medications may help close the patent ductus. These medications include indomethacin, ibuprofen, Tylenol, each working by stimulating the muscles inside the patent ductus arteriosus to tighten, closing the connection. Your child's physician can answer any questions you may have about this treatment.

Catheter-based closure

在许多情况下,您的孩子的专利导管动脉介绍可以通过心脏导管插入术进行修复。期间心脏导管插入术, your child is sedated and a small, thin, flexible tube (catheter) is inserted into a blood vessel in the groin and guided through the inside of the heart into the patent ductus arteriosus. Once the catheter is in the patent ductus arteriosus, the cardiologist will use this catheter to place a special device, called an occluder, which is designed to completely seal the ductus, preventing blood from flowing through it.



手术修复(ligation) is recommended for children for whom a catheter-based procedure is not an option. Your child's cardiologist will recommend when a transcatheter device or surgical repair should be performed.



Most children with a patent ductus will live healthy lives after recovering from the repair. Their activity levels, appetite, and growth should return to normal.

专利导管动脉|Programs & Services
