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柠檬,10盎司(full list品牌)。如果你的孩子有房颤发病ter taking this solution contact their physician.

What are paragangliomas/pheochromocytomas?

Paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas are tumors that develop out of the neuroendocrine tissue responsible for making epinephrine. This hormone, also known as adrenaline, and other related hormones help regulate heart rate and blood pressure in response to stress.Paragangliomas, known as PGLs, can develop anywhere in the body from the pelvis to the skull. Some release hormones that are similar to adrenaline and others do not.


How we care for PGLs and PCCs

患有PGL和PCC的儿童在治疗达娜·法伯(Dana-Farber)/波士顿儿童癌症和血液疾病中心通过我们的Endocrine-Oncology Program。我们综合的儿科肿瘤科服务(在一个专业计划中)提供了领先的癌症中心和主要儿童医院的综合专业知识。我们组建了一个团队,以对待您的孩子,包括肿瘤学家,内分泌学家,遗传咨询师和外科医生。

Our areas of research for PGLs and PCCs

Children who are treated through our Endocrine-Oncology Program benefit from the work of our basic and clinical researchers, who are striving to understand the scientific causes of endocrine cancers. Their work can result in the introduction of new treatment options. We are a world leader in translational research, bringing laboratory advances to the bedside and into doctors’ offices as quickly as possible.


Clinical trials,或评估新治疗方法的研究是Dana-Farber/Boston儿童的主要产品。对于许多患有罕见或难以治疗的儿童,临床试验提供了新的选择。

It’s possible that your child will be eligible to participate in one of our clinical trials. In addition to launching our own clinical trials, we also offer trials available through collaborative groups such as the Children's Oncology Group (COG). If your child has a progressive or recurrent tumor, she may be eligible for a number of experimental therapies available through these groups, or from one of our independent clinical investigators.

paraganglioma pheochromocytoma |症状和原因




  • high blood pressure
  • 快速脉冲
  • 心pal
  • headache
  • dizziness
  • poor weight gain despite good appetite
  • abdominal pain
  • 恶心
  • vomiting
  • pale skin
  • clammy skin
  • sweating
  • growth failure



Sometimes, tumors emerge with no known cause. Some result from a mix of genetic and environmental factors, while others are linked to inherited conditions.

与PGL和PCC相关的疾病的示例包括遗传性副神经胶质瘤 - 细胞瘤综合征,neurofibromatosis,,,,von Hippel-Lindau disease,多内分泌肿瘤综合征,,,,tuberous sclerosis,,,,Sturge-Weber综合征,,,,and ataxia-telangiectasia.

paraganglioma pheochromocytoma |Diagnosis & Treatments

How are paraganglioma/pheochromocytoma diagnosed?



What are the treatment options for paraganglioma/pheochromocytoma?

paraganglioma或嗜铬细胞瘤的治疗将取决于孩子肿瘤的位置和类型。您孩子的医生可能建议手术,包括活检,腹腔镜检查或胸腔镜检查。Sometimes before removing a pheochromocytoma, your child’s physician may prescribe medicine to control high blood pressure.There are also some newer agents that are being investigated to reduce the need for big surgeries for advanced paragangliomas.

paraganglioma pheochromocytoma |程式& Services
