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卵巢肿瘤有时不产生症状,or their symptoms depend on the size and location of the growth. Keep in mind that the symptoms of an ovarian tumor may resemble other more common conditions or medical problems. It is important to consult your child's physician for a diagnosis.


  • feeling of pressure or fullness in the abdomen or pelvis
  • 腹部牢固,无痛的肿胀
  • frequent urination or retention of urine
  • persistent abdominal pain
  • nausea
  • 呕吐

Among children younger than 8, an ovarian tumor or cyst may cause secretions of estrogen, producing:

  • 乳房增大
  • 阴毛
  • 阴道或出血
  • abnormal menstrual bleeding


Doctors do not completely understand the cause of most ovarian tumors. There’s nothing that could have been done or avoided doing that would have prevented the tumor from developing. It’s important to understand that these and other tumors most often occur with no known cause.

How we care for ovarian tumors

Malignant ovarian tumors are treated at达娜·法伯(Dana-Farber)/波士顿儿童癌症和血液疾病中心通过我们的实体瘤中心。我们的治疗团队包括医学肿瘤学家,外科肿瘤学家,放射肿瘤学家和儿科专科医生,包括妇科医生,他们在治疗卵巢肿瘤方面具有专业知识。

In children and adolescents, ovarian tumors have a much higher cure rate than adult forms of ovarian cancer. At Dana-Farber/Boston Children's, almost all ovaries are saved when removing ovarian tumors, helping to preserve your future fertility.

If the ovarian tumor is benign, it will be treated through the妇科科在波士欧宝彩票平台顿儿童医院。

Our areas of research for ovarian tumors

许多卵巢肿瘤是一种生殖细胞肿瘤。Various germ cell tumor research studies are underway to help build our understanding of how treatment types and dosages can be modified according to the tumor sub-type, stage, location on the body, and the age and gender of the child to provide the best possible outcome.

Due to the rarity of germ cell tumors in children, statistically meaningful data with multivariate analysis is difficult to achieve. To address that, the恶性生殖细胞国际协作(魔术)成立。这个财团,由A. Lindsay Frazier,医学博士Dana-Farber/Boston儿童的一名儿科肿瘤学家是全球生殖细胞肿瘤专家的合作,包括儿科,妇科和Genito-rariarine肿瘤学家。

Clinical trials for ovarian tumors


Participation in anyclinical trialis completely voluntary. We will take care to fully explain all elements of the treatment plan prior to the start of the trial, and you may remove your child from the medical study at any time.

卵巢肿瘤|Diagnosis & Treatments


The first step in treating your child is forming an accurate and complete diagnosis. After a complete medical history and physical exam, your child’s physician may recommend:

There may be other diagnostic tests that your doctor will discuss with you depending on your child's individual situation. After we complete all necessary tests, our experts meet to review and discuss what they have learned about your child's condition. Then we will meet with you and your family to discuss the results and outline the best possible treatment options.



Your child's treatment will almost always include surgery. Pediatric gynecologic surgeons will remove as much of it as possible, while attempting to preserve your child's ability to have children. If an ovarian cyst growth is cancerous, and the cancer has spread far, the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tube, fatty tissue covering the intestines (omentum), and lymph nodes may be removed, in a process called debulking.

如果肿瘤是恶性的,则治疗也可能包括化学疗法and/orradiation therapy

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy


卵巢肿瘤|Programs & Services
