
What is optic neuritis (ON)?

Optic neuritis (ON)涉及视神经中炎症(肿胀)的攻击,该炎症(肿胀)将信息从您的大脑发送到您所看到的信息。在ON上,髓鞘会受到损害,即神经纤维的保护性覆盖。

  • ON的症状会影响一只或两只眼睛,从而导致视力模糊,视力丧失和眼睛疼痛。
  • ON is an“自身免疫”情况通常是在感染之类的寒冷的. In ON, your immune system reacts against your optic nerve.
  • In order to perform the testing and undergotreatment, children with ON are usually hospitalized for one week.
  • Although the long-term prognosis for children with ON varies, most children make a complete or nearly complete recovery, including those children with initially severe symptoms.

Optic Neuritis ON |症状和原因


The symptoms of ON can affect one or both eyes. They include:

  • 模糊的视野
  • 彩视
  • complete loss of vision
  • 眼睛疼痛


ON is an“自身免疫”情况通常是在感染之类的寒冷的. Yourimmune system保护您的身体免受细菌和病毒之类的侵害,但自身免疫性疾病会使您的身体的免疫系统感到困惑。它没有与细菌或病毒作斗争,而是攻击您的健康细胞和组织。在ON上,您的免疫系统会反应您的视神经。自身免疫性并不具有传染性,但可能是遗传性的(从父母那里继承)。


Optic Neuritis ON |诊断和治疗

How is ON diagnosed?

There’s no specific test used to diagnose ON, but there are several exams and tests your doctors may choose to look at, including:

  • your child's medical history
  • a neurological examination
  • a brain MRI scan to look for swelling in the optic nerve
  • 腰椎穿刺(spinal tap) to make sure that there is not an infection in the spinal fluid, such as脑膜炎或者encephalitis, and to measure the pressure in the spinal fluid
  • blood tests to look for infectious triggers and for other conditions that can be confused with ON
  • 侧视(称为视野)和视神经的电函数(称为视觉诱发电位)的特殊眼科测试,由眼科医生(眼科医生)进行



Medications are used to reduce the inflammation (swelling) in the optic nerve in ON. The main medication that is used is called methylprednisolone (Solu-medrol™), which is a corticosteroid given by IV once a day for three to five days.这种药物与某些运动员使用的非法类固醇完全不同。大多数患有高剂量的甲基丙糖酮的儿童。

Optic Neuritis ON |Frequently Asked Questions


Most children tolerate medication very well, although some children can develop temporary moodiness or other behavioral changes.

Steroids can also cause increases in blood pressure and blood sugar, which your doctors and nurses will check for and treat if necessary. In addition, steroids can irritate the stomach lining. In such cases, medication such as ranitidine (Zantac™) is usually given to prevent stomach irritation.


Some children will be placed on a steroid medication for a short time. While on prednisone, a medication to prevent your child from having stomach irritation may also be prescribed.


Steroid treatment can reduce some visual symptoms and stop new symptoms from developing. Although the long-term prognosis for children with ON varies, most children make a complete or nearly complete recovery, including those children with initially severe symptoms. For most children, recovery begins within days and continues for up to one year. Some patients can have residual symptoms such as blurred vision or decreased color vision.



Will my child get ON every time he/she has an infection?

No. In most patients, ON occurs only once; in some patients, however, it can re-occur. When it re-occurs, the symptoms can be identical to the initial episode but can also be different. It is not known why patients develop ON with certain infections at certain times.

如果您在感染过程中发现症状,认为您认为是不寻常的,例如混乱,视力变化,无力,麻木或失衡 - 立即通知您的医生很重要。

multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化症)?

Both ON and MS involve autoimmune responses to myelin; they are both "demyelinating" disorders. Symptoms common to both disorders include loss of vision. Corticosteroids are used to treat attacks of both ON and MS.

How is ON different from MS?



Can a child with ON develop MS in the future?


What will the follow-up be after my child is discharged from the hospital?

After you leave the hospital, it's important to follow up with your neurologist and ophthalmologist in the outpatient clinic. We will perform a neurological and eye examination on your child. A follow-up brain and/or spinal cord MRI and visual field testing may also be done.

Optic Neuritis ON |程序和服务
