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什么are myocarditis and pericarditis?

心肌炎和心包炎是影响心脏的炎症性疾病。心肌炎是炎症myocardium, which is the heart muscle. Pericarditis is inflammation of thepericardium, the sac-like tissue layer that surrounds the heart.


心肌炎的典型症状包括胸痛,有时fever. More rarely, children may experience palpitations, dizziness, or lightheadedness, or may pass out.

什么causes myocarditis?

Most cases of myocarditis in children are caused by viral infection. Other causes of myocarditis can include:

  • bacterial infections such asLyme disease
  • 自身免疫性疾病
  • hypersensitivity reactions to medications
  • toxic reactions to drugs
  • vaccinations (including rare cases after COVID-19 vaccination)

How is myocarditis diagnosed?


什么are the treatments for myocarditis?

Treatment depends on the cause and severity of myocarditis. Children with myocarditis are admitted to the hospital so they can be monitored for心律不齐. In many cases, treatment is supportive and the heart muscle inflammation improves on its own with time. In other cases, children may receive anti-inflammatory medications to decrease heart muscle inflammation more rapidly.

什么are the symptoms of pericarditis?


When the pericardium is inflamed, it produces fluid. A large amount of fluid can compress the heart, limiting its ability to fill normally with blood. This can cause chest pain, tachycardia (rapid pulse rate), and hypotension (reduced blood pressure).


There are multiple causes for pericarditis including:

  • 感染:包括病毒,细菌(例如tuberculosis), fungal, and protozoal
  • postpericardiotomy syndrome (Dressler’s syndrome), which occurs in a small number of patients after heart surgery
  • rheumatologic diseases, including系统性红斑狼疮, rheumatoid arthritis, andrheumatic fever
  • 川崎病
  • medications that can cause inflammation, such as hydralzaine and procainamide
  • kidney failure
  • high-dose radiation associated with treatment of certaincancers, such as霍奇金淋巴瘤

How is pericarditis diagnosed?

Pericarditis might be suspected if your child has chest pain or if the physician hears an abnormal heart sound called a “rub,” which occurs when the pericardium is irritated.

In addition to a complete medical history and physical examination, tests to diagnose pericarditis may include:

  • blood tests to evaluate the degree of inflammation
  • chest x-ray
  • 超声心动图(cardiac ultrasound)



More severe cases may result in pericardial tamponade, a buildup of fluids that increases pressure on the heart. This may require emergency drainage of excess fluids. In rare cases, some children may need surgery.

If the pericarditis is caused by an infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics or other medications to treat the infection.

心肌炎和心心炎|Programs & Services
