Current Environment:


Lead poisoning occurs when lead — a metal that was once a common ingredient in paint and is still used in batteries, pipes, pottery and even cosmetics — builds up in the body. Little by little, lead can collect in your child's blood, brain and bones. Symptoms may take a long time to appear, but at toxic levels, lead poisoning can affect your child's language, attention and even IQ. Lead can affect people of all ages, but children aged 6 and younger are especially at risk, in part because their growing bodies absorb more lead.

  • Lead poisoning is a totally preventable disease.

  • The most common causes of lead poisoning are lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust in older buildings.

  • 铅暴露会伤害幼儿和婴儿 - 甚至在出生之前。

  • Even children that seem healthy can have high levels of lead in their bodies.

  • 高水平的铅也可能导致癫痫发作,昏迷,在极少数情况下死亡。

  • 疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)估计,居住在美国的1至5岁儿童的铅含量升高。每25名儿童中,大约有一个在血液中具有危险的铅水平。

How Children's approaches lead poisoning

At Boston Children's Hospital's小儿环境卫生中心, our staff is doing research to answer important questions about lead poisoning, including how lead affects children of different ages and what are the best ways to treat children with lead poisoning.




  • Lead poisoning is a totally preventable disease.
  • The most common causes of lead poisoning are lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust in older buildings.
  • 铅暴露会伤害幼儿和婴儿 - 甚至在出生之前。
  • Even children that seem healthy can have high levels of lead in their bodies.
  • 高水平的铅也可能导致癫痫发作,昏迷,在极少数情况下死亡。
  • Removing lead-based paint improperly can increase the danger to your family.


How else might my child be exposed to lead?

  • 1978年之前建造的房屋中的铅涂料或灰尘
  • 传统的家庭疗法,例如Azarcon和Greta
  • 旧珠宝
  • drinking water contaminated by old pipes
  • home remodeling.

Symptoms of lead poisoning


  • 行为和学习问题
  • slowed growth
  • hearing problems
  • 贫血
  • 易怒
  • 食欲不振
  • fatigue

Babies in the womb who are exposed to lead through their mothers may have:

  • 学习困难
  • slowed growth


Your child's physician can test your child's blood levels for lead. The tests are inexpensive or, in some cases, free. Your child's physician will explain the test results to you and recommend treatment.


  • 即使看起来健康

  • make sure your entire family washes their hands before eating and going to bed

  • 经常洗孩子的瓶子,奶嘴和玩具

  • make sure your child eats healthful foods with adequate iron and calcium (minerals which can help decrease lead absorption)

  • 让您的房屋检查铅危害,包括水龙头

  • clean floors, windowsills and other surfaces with soapy water often

  • 进入房屋之前擦去鞋子

  • 与房东谈论用剥皮或碎屑涂料固定表面

  • take precautions to avoid exposure to lead dust when remodeling or renovating (call 1-800-424-LEAD for guidelines)

  • don't use a belt-sander, propane torch, dry scraper or dry sandpaper on painted surfaces that may contain lead

  • 不要尝试自己删除铅基油漆(专业删除)。

Lead is also harmful to adults, who may suffer from:

  • 怀孕期间的困难
  • 男性和女人的生殖问题
  • high blood pressure
  • digestive problems
  • nerve disorders
  • memory and concentration problems
  • muscle and joint pain.




铅中毒|程式& Services
