
What is an inguinal hernia?






The testicles develop in boys in the back of the abdomen just below the kidney. During development of the fetus, the testicle descends from this location into the scrotum pulling a sac-like extension of the lining of its abdomen with it (inguinal hernia into scrotum). This sac surrounds the testicle into adult life, but the connection to the abdomen generally entirely resolves. If this does not occur a hernia will result with the sac extending from the abdomen through the abdominal wall and into the inguinal canal (inguinal hernia into canal), where it ends in the groin or it can persist going all the way into the scrotum and the sac surrounding the testicle.



Although girls do not have testicles, they do have an inguinal canal, so they can develop hernias as well. It is often the tube and ovary that fall into the hernia sac.



Inguinal hernias appear as a bulge or swelling in the groin or scrotum. The swelling may be more noticeable when the baby cries and may get smaller or go away when the baby relaxes. If your physician pushes gently on this bulge when the child is calm and lying down, it will usually get smaller as the contents of the sac go back into the abdomen.



波士顿儿欧宝彩票平台童医院部门of Urologyis a world leader in pediatric urology, offering specialized care for a wide range of urologic disorders in children and adolescents. Our team has special expertise in the治疗腹股沟疝。

波士顿儿童的部门of Surgery为患有腹股沟疝的婴儿和儿童提供一般和专业的手术服务。我们的团队在治疗腹股沟疝方面具有特殊的专业知识,并将与您合作设计适合您孩子的护理计划。

腹股沟疝|Diagnosis & Treatments

How are inguinal hernias diagnosed?

腹股沟疝可以通过您的孩子的医生进行身体检查来诊断。将检查您的孩子,以确定疝气是否可降低(可以将其推回腹腔)。您孩子的医生可能会订购腹部X射线or anultrasoundto examine the intestine more closely, especially if the hernia is no longer reducible.

What are the treatment options for inguinal hernias?


  • 您孩子的年龄,整体健康和病史
  • 疝气类型
  • whether the hernia is reducible (can be pushed back into the abdominal cavity) or not
  • your child's tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies

An operation is necessary to treat an inguinal hernia. It will be surgically repaired fairly soon after it is discovered, since the intestine can become stuck in the inguinal canal. When this happens, the blood supply to the intestine can be cut off, and the intestine can become damaged. Inguinal hernia surgery is usually performed before this damage can occur.


A hernia operation is usually a fairly simple procedure. Children who have an inguinal hernia surgically repaired can often go home the same day they have the operation.

Once the hernia is closed, either spontaneously or by surgery, it is unlikely it will reoccur.

