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What is a hemorrhagic stroke?

Hemorrhagic stroke is the result of bleeding in the brain. This bleeding is usually the result of blood vessel abnormalities or clotting disorders. Hemorrhagic stroke is also referred to as cerebral hemorrhage or intracranial hemorrhage. Occasionally, children witharterial ischemic strokecan develop hemorrhagic transformation of their initial stroke, meaning that bleeding can sometimes develop as a complication of the ischemic injury itself or the medicine used to treat it. About 45 percent of strokes in children are hemorrhagic in nature.



  • severe头痛
  • 呕吐和恶心
  • irritability (in infants)
  • weakness or numbness of the face, arm, or leg, usually on one of side of the body
  • 难以行走,看,说话或理解
  • 头晕或平衡损失
  • seizures, sometimes followed by paralysis on one side of the body
  • 意识丧失

If you suspect your child is having a stroke, don’t wait — go directly to an emergency room.

What causes a hemorrhagic stroke?

出血性中风是大脑出血的结果,它可以剥夺其需要的器官。这通常是由血管异常引起的cavernous malformations,arteriovenous malformations, venous angiomas, andaneurysms. Anarterial dissection, a tear in the lining of an artery, can also lead to a hemorrhagic stroke. Clotting disorders such ashemophilia,sickle cell disease,brain tumors,先天性心脏病也可能导致可能导致出血性中风的出血。

How we care for hemorrhagic stroke

The Boston Children’s HospitalStroke and Cerebrovascular Centerteam provides fast, comprehensive evaluations to quickly identify if and why a stroke has occurred. To stop bleeding in the brain, we work with physicians in theCerebrovascular Surgery and Interventions Center,他们解决了出血的原因。例如,如果中风是由血管异常引起的,我们可能能够使用手术或神经介入程序来纠正这种情况。


Hemorrhagic Stroke |诊断和治疗


Evaluation of hemorrhagic stroke usually begins in the emergency room. Stroke specialists will conduct a rapid physical examination and the care team will work to quickly confirm and locate the cause of the stroke through imaging tests. These can include:

All of these tests are painless and noninvasive, although some might require placement of an intravenous (IV) line to deliver agents needed for certain types of imaging. Since MRI requires a child to hold still inside a scanner, very young children may need sedation. In some cases, the physician may recommend blood tests to help identify any underlying disorders that might cause bleeding.

How is hemorrhagic stroke treated?

Treatment of hemorrhagic stroke depends on the cause. If the stroke was the result of a blood vessel abnormality, such as a cavernous malformation, arteriovenous malformation or aneurysm, the physician will likely repair the abnormality to stem bleeding and prevent future strokes. In cases where a clotting disorder is responsible for the stroke, clinicians will treat the underlying problem to prevent future bleeds.

Regardless of the cause, most children who experience hemorrhagic strokes require long-term care to address the consequences of the stroke. Your child’s stroke team will create a comprehensive rehabilitation plan, which can involve physical, occupational, vision or speech and language therapies or a combination of these.

Hemorrhagic Stroke |Programs & Services
