Current Environment:


生殖细胞脑肿瘤是从生殖细胞发展的 - 胎儿时期的细胞后来成为睾丸或卵子中的卵子的细胞。这些细胞可能被困在大脑中。大多数生殖细胞肿瘤都在卵巢(卵巢肿瘤)或睾丸(睾丸肿瘤)中发现,但是当它们位于大脑中时,它们被称为颅内生殖细胞肿瘤或大脑的生殖细胞肿瘤。在大脑或脊髓中发育的生殖细胞肿瘤也可以称为CNS(中枢神经系统)生殖细胞肿瘤。

There are two main types of germ cell tumors of the brain:发芽瘤和非花生瘤肿瘤。如果它们包括两者的各个方面,则称为混合生殖细胞肿瘤。这些肿瘤很少见,约占小儿脑肿瘤的4%。大约一半发生在10至15岁之间的儿童中。大脑的生殖细胞肿瘤最常见或在大脑的垂体和松果体附近发现。


生殖细胞脑肿瘤的儿童在治疗达娜·法伯(Dana-Farber)/波士顿儿童癌症和血液疾病中心through theBrain Tumor Center, one of the largest and most experienced pediatric brain tumor treatment programs in the world. Our brain tumor specialists have extensive expertise in treating all types of brain tumors, including germ cell brain tumors. Our patients receive care from neuro-oncologists, neurosurgeons, neurologists, and pediatric subspecialists.


Clinical trials, or research studies evaluating new treatment approaches, are a major offering at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s. For many children with brain tumors or other rare or hard-to-treat conditions, clinical trials provide new options.

In addition to launching our own brain tumor clinical trials, we also offer trials available through collaborative groups such as the Children's Oncology Group (COG) and the Pacific Neuro-oncology Consortium (PNOC). We are also the New England Phase I Center of the Children's Oncology Group. If your child has progressive or recurrent tumor, they may be eligible for a number of experimental therapies available through these groups, or from one of our independent clinical investigators.


Germ Cell Brain Tumors |Symptoms & Causes




  • 脑积水(大脑肿胀)
  • headache
  • 呕吐
  • 疲劳
  • 行为或认知变化
  • 不协调的身体运动(共济失调)
  • vision changes, including double vision and difficulty looking up



生殖细胞脑肿瘤的原因尚不清楚。通常,生殖细胞在胎儿发育过程中迁移到性腺,并成为雌性卵巢的卵或雄性睾丸中的精子。但是,当这些生殖细胞没有移至正确的区域时,它们就会被困在大脑中,并在不应该的区域繁殖。It’s important to understand that these and other brain tumors most often occur with no known cause.

Germ Cell Brain Tumors |Diagnosis & Treatments

How are germ cell brain tumors diagnosed?

The first step in treating your child is forming an accurate and complete diagnosis. Germ cell brain tumors are typically diagnosed using a combination of imaging and biopsy. As with other brain tumors, diagnostic procedures for germ cell tumors of the brain can determine the exact type of tumor and whether it has spread.





Treatments for germ cell brain tumors include:

What is the long-term outlook for children with germ cell brain tumors?

生殖细胞脑肿瘤儿童的预后取决于肿瘤的类型。一般来说,发芽瘤are cured in greater than 90 percent of cases with combined treatment. Non-germinomatous germ cell tumors have a 65 percent to 85 percent cure rate, depending on their spread at diagnosis. Mixed germ cell brain tumors are generally more difficult to treat.

Children treated for a germ cell tumor in the brain should visit a survivorship clinic every year to manage disease complications, screen for recurrence and manage late treatment side effects. A typical follow-up visit is likely to include a physical exam, laboratory testing and imaging scans.

Stop and Shop Family Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Outcomes Clinic孩子与他们的神经外科医生,辐射oncologist, pediatric neuro-oncologist and neurologists at the same follow-up visit. Our multidisciplinary approach and depth of expertise also give your child on-site access to endocrinologists, neuro-psychologists and alternative/complementary therapy specialists. School liaison and psychosocial personnel from the pediatric brain tumor team are also available.

Germ Cell Brain Tumors |Programs & Services
