

Fragile X syndrome is a genetic condition that can cause a range of learning and developmental problems. These can include:

Some children with fragile X may also have mildly characteristic features such as prominent ears.


What are the symptoms of fragile X syndrome?

Both boys and girls with fragile X can have certain behavioral and intellectual traits, though girls often have milder symptoms.


  • 延迟的语音
  • 运动技能延迟
  • repetitive and unclear speech (especially in boys)
  • 自闭症- 类似行为,包括眼神交流不良,手咬,手拍打以及对噪音和人群的敏感性
  • 学习困难
  • social anxiety
  • hyperactivity and short attention spans (especially in boys)
  • 害羞(主要在女孩中看到)


  • 大耳朵
  • a long and narrow face
  • flat feet
  • in boys: large, but functional, testicles
  • very flexible joints

Because the symptoms of fragile X are similar to, or may mimic, those of other conditions, such as自闭症和Prader-Willi综合征,重要的是要看医生进行精确诊断。


Fragile X is caused by a mutation in theFMR1阻止人体生产重要蛋白质的基因,称为FMRP。该蛋白质有助于建立和维持脑细胞与神经系统之间的联系。当缺少FMRP时,大脑的信号可能会被误导。这会导致脆弱X中发现的发展和学习问题。

TheFMR1gene is found on the X chromosome, which means that females (who have two X chromosomes) have two copies of theFMR1gene, and males (who have one X chromosome) have only one. If this one X chromosome is not working, there’s no backup. This is why boys often have more severe symptoms than girls.


Unlike many other genetic conditions, fragile X syndrome does not cause many medical complications. Health problems in children with fragile X may include:


  • mitral valve prolapse (leaky heart valve); this is seen in about half of all adults with fragile X
  • 小比例的主动脉肿大
  • 高血压that can be treated with medication
  • scoliosis


At the Boston Children’s HospitalFragile X Program, we provide specialty care for children and adults with fragile X. We’re also actively involved in doing research to learn more about the condition and to find better treatments.



Fragile X is diagnosed with a blood test to check for the fragile X gene.


您应该考虑对您的孩子进行脆弱X的测试,如果他或她有任何自闭症-like behaviors,developmental delays,语音或语言延迟或学习障碍。


Most parents start to notice symptoms when their children are infants or toddlers. Boys with fragile X are usually diagnosed by age 3. Since girls tend to have milder symptoms, they are often not diagnosed until later.




  • Chorionic villus sampling (CVS):this test is usually done between weeks 10 and 12 of the pregnancy. It checks cells from the placenta for the FMR1 gene.
  • Amniocentesis:this test is usually done between weeks 15 and 18 of the pregnancy. It checks amniotic fluid for theFMR1gene.



There is no one single treatment that is right for every child with fragile X. Treatment is based on a child’s individual symptoms and needs. Some common treatments for children with fragile X include:

  • speech and language therapyto improve communication skills
  • 职业治疗physical therapy帮助进行日常活动,例如自我护理,杂务和爱好
  • sensory issues
  • developmental medicine和special education to work on any educational weaknesses and help develop good learning strategies
  • psychiatry和other behavioral health care to help with any behavioral or emotional problems
  • 药物帮助脆性X的症状,往下h as seizures, or mood or behavioral problems


在波士顿儿童医院Fragile X Program, we’re focused on family centered care to support all of your child’s physical and social needs. Our team can put you in touch with other families who have a child with fragile X and connect you with community and educational services.

