
What is femoral anteversion?



Most children don't need treatment for femoral anteversion — the condition usually resolves on its own. For kids who need surgery for a severe form of the condition, the outlook is excellent. The surgeries are quite safe.

Femoral anteversion typically does not lead to关节炎or any other future health problems.


What are the symptoms of femoral anteversion?


Signs of femoral anteversion usually first become noticeable when a child is between 2 to 4 years old, a time when inward rotation from the hip tends to increase. The condition becomes most obvious when a child is 5 to 6 years old.


  • 鸽子脚趾走路
  • inability to walk with their feet close together and legs straight
  • running with their legs swinging out
  • tripping and falling often



How serious is femoral anteversion?

For the vast majority of children, femoral anteversion is a minor condition that self-corrects by adolescence. Very few cases are painful or severe enough to require surgery.

Boston Children's approach to femoral anteversion

Boston Children's Hospital is a world leader in pediatric orthopedics. Our骨科中心拥有各种骨科状况的儿童,拥有丰富的经验,其中一些其他儿科医院曾经遇到过。我们的专家在里面儿童和成人髋关节保存计划provide diagnosis, treatment, and care for every level of complexity and severity of femoral anteversion.

Femoral Anteversion |诊断和治疗

How is femoral anteversion diagnosed?


The physical exam also includes measurements to determine the degree of your child’s in-toeing. These measurements can be obtained easily just by placing ink or chalk on the bottom of your child's feet and having them walk on paper to leave an impression.


  • 计算机断层扫描(CT或CAT)扫描使用X射线设备和功能强大的计算机来创建孩子身体的详细的横截面图像。CT扫描是用于确认股骨前诊断的主要成像测试。它比MRI快,比X射线更详细。
  • MRI(磁共振成像)使用磁铁,无线电频率和计算机来制作孩子体内器官和结构的详细图像。
  • X-raysuse invisible electromagnetic energy beams to produce images of internal tissues, bones, and organs.

How is femoral anteversion treated?

Doctors treat most children who have femoral anteversion with close observation over the course of several years. For most children, the twisting of the thigh bone usually corrects by itself with time. Most children achieve normal or near-normal walking patterns by the time they are 8 to 10 years old. Others achieve normal walking patterns by the time they reach their teen years.

Braces, special shoes, and exercises don't usually speed up or help the body's own mechanism for self-correcting femoral anteversion. However, your child’s doctor may recommend one of these treatments if your child’s feet point inward severely or if the condition is not getting better over time.

What are the surgical options for femoral anteversion?

In a very few cases, the twisting-in may be severe and may not self-correct by the time a child is age 8 or 9. For children with severe, unresolved femoral anteversion at that age, doctors may perform surgery to reposition the femur at a more normal angle.

During the procedure (called a femoral derotation osteotomy) the surgeon cuts the femur, rotates the ball of the femur in the hip socket to a normal position, and reattaches the bone.

What is the recovery process from femoral anteversion surgery?


What is the long-term outlook for children with femoral anteversion?

Femoral anteversion is self-correcting in up to 99 percent of cases, and the long-term outlook is very positive for most children with the condition. Femoral anteversion doesn't typically lead to arthritis or any other future health problems.

The outlook is also excellent for children with a severe form of the condition who need surgery. The surgery itself is quite safe. In addition, children's bones usually heal faster and more reliably than adults.

Femoral Anteversion |程序和服务
