


Encopresis is the involuntary leaking of feces, most often caused by chronicconstipation。估计有1-3%的儿童在童年时期一次或一次有这个问题。

What are the symptoms of encopresis?


  • small, frequent bowel movements
  • large stools that clog the toilet
  • 非自愿的排便或突然的紧迫性
  • feces or watery stool in the underwear of an otherwise healthy child
  • loss of appetite
  • 腹痛



Certain foods, behaviors and situations can contribute to constipation, including:

  • 纤维低的“垃圾食品”饮食
  • lack of exercise
  • stress in the family, with friends, or at school
  • change in bathroom routine, such as when a child starts a new school year and bathroom breaks are less frequent
  • being too busy to take time to use the bathroom
  • painful bowel movements that make the child “hold it” in order to avoid further pain

Children who have never been toilet trained and refuse to have a bowel movement on the toilet are also at risk of developing encopresis.

How does encopresis happen?


  • A child's stool becomes impacted, which means a large amount of it gets stuck in the rectum and large intestine.
  • The impacted stool stretches the rectum and intestine, causing them to become enlarged.
  • Eventually, the enlarged rectum and intestine lose their ability to detect the presence of stool. The anal sphincter, the muscle that helps hold stool in, becomes weak.
  • Soft stool starts to leak around the impacted stool, soiling the child's underwear and clothes.
  • 随着越来越多的粪便收集,握住它变得更加困难,孩子有更多的事故。由于直肠的敏感性降低,孩子甚至可能意识到他们已经发生了事故,直到发生后。


How encopresis can affect a child’s health



  • 腹痛,食欲不振和粪便事故
  • 尿路bladder infections
  • urine accidents during the day or night
  • 皮疹和刺激的皮肤
  • painful bowel movements

Emotional problems

A child with encopresis can feel ashamed and embarrassed.


How we care for encopresis

The physicians and nurse practitioners in the胃肠病学,肝和营养学在波士欧宝彩票平台顿,儿童医院是帮助儿童在厕所上定期排便的专家。我们从完整的病史开始,有关厕所培训的问题以及进行彻底的身体检查。在某些情况下,儿童也有腹部X射线为了评估大肠中的粪便量,也可能需要进行血液检查。

大便失禁|Diagnosis & Treatment


诊断始于一个complete medical history that includes questions about the child’s toilet training and a physical exam. This often provides enough information to diagnose encopresis. In some cases, doctors obtain an abdominal x-ray to evaluate the amount of stool in the large intestine.

How is encopresis treated?

Treatment for encopresis depends on the root cause.

If encopresis is caused byconstipation,治疗可能包括:

  • 泻药帮助孩子通过受影响的凳子
  • medication to keep bowel movements soft so the stool will pass easily
  • 早餐和晚餐后的厕所坐了五到十分钟

In some cases, physicians prescribe enemas to help remove the impacted stool. An enema is a liquid that is placed in the rectum that helps loosen the hard, dry stool. Important: It is unsafe to give a child an enema without the approval of their physician. Enemas should only be used when medically indicated and both the child and parents are comfortable.


In the case of toilet refusal, treatment includes a combination of the medical treatments described above and behavioral treatments to help the child become more comfortable using the toilet for bowel movements.

What happens after the impacted stool is passed?

After a child passes an impacted stool, it’s important to develop a good routine to ensure that stool does not get backed up again. The child may still have problems with leakage until the intestine and rectum return to their normal size.

To reduce the number of accidental bowel movements, the child should continue to sit on the toilet two to three times a day for five to ten minutes, preferably shortly after a meal.



  • adding more fruits and vegetables
  • adding more whole-grain cereals and breads
  • 喝更多的液体,尤其是水
  • 限制通常高脂肪和糖的快餐食品和垃圾食品
  • 将全脂牛奶限制在2岁以上的儿童中每天16盎司,但不能完全消除牛奶;儿童需要牛奶中的钙和维生素D,以帮助他们的骨骼变得强大
  • serving meals on a regular schedule
  • 早餐早餐,所以孩子有时间放学前排便
  • increasing exercise
  • if a child has a limited diet/sensory aversion, a fiber supplement can be helpful

