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What is eastern equine encephalitis (EEE)?




  • Exposure to mosquitoes: People who spend a lot of time outdoors or live in wooded areas have a greater chance of being bitten by mosquito.
  • Time of year and day: In the United States, cases of EEE tend to occur from late spring to early fall.. Many kinds of mosquitoes are most active during dusk and dawn and during the early evening hours.
  • Geographic region: Most cases of EEE have been reported in Atlantic and Gulf coast states. Southeastern Massachusetts, particularly Plymouth and Bristol counties, have historically been "hot spots" for EEE. The马萨诸塞州公共卫生部monitors mosquito populations, tests mosquitoes for virus and calculates risks for each town.


  • 年龄:尽管任何年龄的人都会出现严重的感染,但对于50岁以上的成年人和15岁以下的儿童的风险较高。
  • 免疫系统:由于癌症治疗或器官移植而导致免疫系统弱的人更容易受到严重感染的风险。


How is Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) diagnosed?

  • Blood tests。感染EEE的人的血液中的抗体水平增加。抗体是由免疫系统产生的蛋白质,该蛋白会攻击异物,例如病毒和细菌。抗体水平的增加表明您的免疫系统正在与病毒作斗争。
  • ACT scanproduces detailed, cross-sectional images of the brain. The results from a CT scan can rule out other possible diseases that may be causing inflammation.
  • 磁共振成像(MRI)是另一个拍摄详细的大脑X射线图像以帮助检测脑部炎症的过程。
  • Alumbar puncture (spinal tap)可以用来采用一小部分脑脊髓液样本,以确定儿童是否患有EEE或其他问题。
  • Anelectroencephalogram (EEG)可以用来检测大脑中的小癫痫发作,这可能从看着人看来可能并不明显。脑电图通过使用连接到头皮上的贴纸来记录大脑的连续电活动,以测量电活动。
  • Aneedle biopsymay be used to take a sample of brain tissue to determine the underlying cause of the inflammation.

How is EEE treated?


  • anticonvulsants for seizures
  • 呼吸问题的呼吸器
  • pain relievers for headache, fever or body ache
  • sedatives for irritability or restlessness
  • corticosteroids for brain swelling

How can I prevent EEE?

Avoiding mosquito bites is the easiest and most effective way to prevent EEE. Listed below are some ways you can protect your children:
  • 他们穿袜子,裤子and long-sleeved shirts that cover their skin.
  • Avoid areas where mosquitoes are abundant, especially at times when mosquitoes are active.
  • Install and fix window screens to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.
  • 空桶,玩具和其他容纳蚊子在其中开发的水的物品。
  • 确保您的屋顶排水沟清洁叶子,并充分排水。
  • 联系您当地的蚊子控制区,以了解其他选择以减少蚊子问题。
  • Use insect repellents carefully and wisely.

The easiest and most effective way to avoid mosquito bites is by using insect repellant.There are many products that are made to prevent mosquito bites. Experts from theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)推荐可以直接应用于特别有效的皮肤的一种:DEET(通常在标签上列为N,N-二乙基-M-Toluamide)。

The amount of DEET in insect repellents varies and may range from less than 10 percent to more than 30 percent. Products with higher concentrations of DEET tend to provide longer protection and need to be applied less frequently. According to the AAP, products that have around 10 percent DEET may keep away insects for nearly two hours, while products with about 24 percent DEET last an average of five hours.

Other repellents contain yet other active ingredients (other than DEET). Select a repellent that is registered with the US EPA. Read and follow directions to use them properly. The AAP does not recommend insect repellants for children younger than months.

Here are additional do's and don'ts on how to use insect repellent:

  • 请在所有裸露的皮肤区域和衣服上应用驱虫剂。
  • DO spray repellent in your hands first and then gently rub it on a child's face, avoiding the eyes and mouth.
  • 请使用气溶胶和泵喷雾剂,以确保将驱蚊剂均匀施用。
  • 如果应用之间的驱虫剂在很长的时间内或在蚊子种群较高的环境中,则使用浓度较高的驱蚊剂。
  • DO wash repellent off once you get back indoors.
  • 不要在已经被衣服覆盖的皮肤上使用驱虫剂。
  • DON'T apply repellant directly onto a child's face.
  • DON'T keep using a repellent if it gives you a rash or other skin reaction.

东马脑炎EEE|Programs & Services
