

腹泻is defined as watery stool, increased frequency of bowel movement or both. In most cases, diarrhea in children lasts no more than a few days and goes away on its own. These short-term (or acute) cases of diarrhea are usually related to bacterial or viral infections.

In other cases, diarrhea may last for weeks at a time — this is called chronic diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea may also be caused by infections such as giardia, but is more likely to be caused by a chronic medical condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome, or an inflammatory condition such as溃疡性结肠炎,Crohn’s disease, or腹腔疾病.

Chronic diarrhea in children may indicate a larger health problem. If your child has diarrhea for more than a few days, consult your doctor. For mild diarrhea, you can typically wait for your child to get better使用家庭护理疗法。

根据国立卫生研究院, you should call your doctor if your newborn (under 3 months old) has diarrhea.如果您的孩子有:

  • blood, mucus, or pus in the stool
  • more than eight stools in eight hours
  • 呕吐持续超过24小时
  • 发烧和diarrhea lasting more than two to three days
  • stomach pain or abdominal cramping
  • diarrhea that develops within one week of travel outside of the United States or after a camping trip (the diarrhea may be due to bacteria or parasites that require treatment)
  • 不断返回的腹泻,或者如果您的孩子减肥
  • 比正常人要少得多(根本不坐着或不环顾)



  • 干燥的嘴巴
  • no urine for six hours
  • 哭泣时没有眼泪
  • 沉没的眼睛



  • cramping
  • 腹痛
  • bloating
  • nausea
  • urgent need to use the restroom
  • 发烧
  • 血腥的凳子
  • dehydration
  • incontinence


What are the causes of diarrhea in children?

腹泻in children may be caused by a number of conditions, including the following:

  • bacterial infection
  • viral infection
  • 食物不耐受或过敏
  • parasites
  • reaction to medications
  • intestinal disease, such as inflammatory bowel disease
  • functional bowel disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome
  • result of surgery on the stomach or gallbladder


How we care for diarrhea

波士顿儿欧宝彩票平台童医院胃肠病学,肝和营养学is part of the #1-ranked children's hospital byob 游戏 . Ourteam包括最佳儿童医生和临床医生,他们可以帮助治疗不同的胃肠道疾病,包括有问题或慢性腹泻。对于患有遗传原因的慢性腹泻的儿童(也称为先天性肠病),我们的熟练临床医生Congenital Enteropathy Program可以提供全面的评估和治疗。



In addition to a complete medical history, physical examination, and laboratory tests for blood and urine, the child's health care provider may request:

  • stool culture to check for the presence of abnormal bacteria in the digestive tract that may cause diarrhea and other problems. A small sample of stool is collected and sent to a laboratory by your health care provider's office. In two or three days, the test will show whether abnormal bacteria are present.
  • blood tests to rule out certain diseases
  • 成像测试以排除结构异常
  • 测试以识别食物不耐受或过敏
  • sigmoidoscopy, a diagnostic procedure that allows the health care provider to examine the inside of a portion of the large intestine, and is helpful in identifying the causes of diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, abnormal growths, and bleeding. A short, flexible, lighted tube, called a sigmoidoscope, is inserted into the intestine through the rectum. The scope blows air into the intestine to inflate it and make viewing the inside easier.

What are the treatment options for children with diarrhea?

Specific treatment for diarrhea will be determined by your child's health care provider based on:

  • age, overall health, and medical history
  • extent of the condition
  • tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies
  • 对条件过程的期望
  • opinion or preference

Treatment usually involves replacing lost fluids. Antibiotics may be prescribed when bacterial infections are the cause.

To replace the body fluids that are lost with diarrhea, children should drink fluids liberally. If they are dehydrated, a glucose-electrolyte solution (for example, Pedialyte or Infalyte) should be given to help the body absorb fluid more easily. These fluids have the right balance of water, sugar, and salts, and some are available as popsicles.

Additional hydration considerations for treating diarrhea include:

  • 避免果汁或苏打水,因为这些饮料可能会使腹泻恶化。
  • 在任何年龄,过多的普通水可能是危险的。
  • Do not give plain water to infants.
  • 如果您是喂瓶子或母乳喂养孩子,请继续这样做。

