
What is diapering?

每个婴儿护理的重要组成部分是尿布。在孩子接受厕所训练之前,通常在3岁时,尿布被用于收集尿液和排便。据估计,婴儿每天使用六到10个尿布 - 每年约为2,000至3,000个尿布。随着尿布的更换,父母想知道如何更快,更轻松地使这项任务。

通常,有两种选择 - 布或一次性 - 每种类型都有优点和缺点。关于哪个是最好的答案。父母需要确定最适合其个人的婴儿和家人。许多家庭选择使用两者。下面列出的是每种类型的尿布的一些利弊。

How to diaper your baby



  • Use a changing table or pad placed waist high. This prevents bending and back strain.
  • Have all diapers, wipes, and other items right above or below the table. Never leave a baby unattended, even for a brief moment.
  • Have a washable or disposable mat on the changing table to lay the baby down on.
  • 将宝宝的头向右或向左放在桌子上。大多数父母发现一个方向比另一个方向容易。
  • 打开干净的尿布并将其放在一边。
  • 撤消脏尿布的标签或销钉。一只手握住婴儿的腿,另一只手将尿布的前部拉下来。
  • 如果尿布中有排便,请使用尿布的前部擦拭尿布背面的大部分混乱。切勿从后到正面擦拭,因为这可能会导致尿路感染。
  • With the dirty diaper pressed flat under the baby, use a wipe to gently cleanse the baby's diaper area. Be sure to work from front to back.
  • Lift the baby's legs and slide the dirty diaper out and set it away from the baby. Place the back of the clean diaper under the baby and pull the front up between the baby's legs.
  • Secure the adhesive tabs or carefully pin the diaper corners snugly together. You should be able to place at least two fingers between the diaper and the baby's abdomen.
  • 将脏尿布放在更换表附近的容器中,以节省步骤。带有脚踏板的盖子是一个加号。(最好在将尿布放入罐头之前将固体排便倒在厕所中。这有助于减少气味并帮助环境。)


  • 始终保持男孩婴儿的阴茎。自由的尿液可以通过滤桌上的空中进入地板或脸部。用凌乱的排便动作,小心地握住婴儿的腿,以防止脚踢入尿布。
  • 如果尿布泄漏,一些尿布可能需要换衣服。如果婴儿的背部或腿上有排便,也可能需要洗澡。尝试在尿布变化时说话或唱歌,以分散注意力。年长的婴儿可以持有尿布时间保留的特殊玩具。
  • Diaper sizes and shapes vary among manufacturers. Your baby may fit a certain brand for many months, then suddenly start leaking. Try a different brand if the one you are using is not working.



  • 任何大水泡或疮(超过一英寸)发育
  • the rash has not improved in three days
  • 皮疹变成坚固,鲜红色,生或流血
  • pimples, blisters, boils, sores, or crusts develop
  • the rash interferes with sleep
  • 皮疹散布在尿布区域之外
  • 您的孩子开始表现得很恶心或无法解释的发烧

How do you care for diaper rash?

Most babies will get a diaper rash at some time. Their bottoms are in frequent contact with moisture, bacteria, and ammonia, and there is rubbing from the diaper. Babies and toddlers are at risk as long as they are wearing diapers. Rashes are much easier to prevent than to cure. Many rashes can be treated by the following:

  • change diapers frequently:The most important thing is to keep the area dry and clean. Check the diapers often, every hour if your baby has a rash, and change them as needed. Check at least once during the night.
  • 温和清洁:Frequent and vigorous washing with soap can strip the baby's tender skin of the natural protective barrier. Wash gently but thoroughly, including the skin folds. Do not use diaper wipes if your child has a rash, as they can burn and increase the irritation. You can sit the baby in a basin or tub of lukewarm water for several minutes with each diaper change. This helps clean and may also be comforting. You can also pour warm water from a pitcher or use a squirt bottle. Do not use any soap unless there is very sticky stool, then a very mild soap is okay; wash gently and rinse well. Baby oil on a cotton ball can also be used.
  • 拍干或放开尿布一会儿:Let the skin air dry, or pat very gently with a very soft cloth or paper towel. A hairdryer set on cool can also be used. Leave the skin open to the air as much as possible. Fasten diapers loosely and do not use airtight rubber pants.
  • 皮肤保护:Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) provides a good protective coating, even on sore, reddened skin, and is easily cleaned. A number of other ointments are available commercially; see what works for your baby and what your baby's physician recommends.

How do you prevent diaper rash?

Changing the diaper immediately and good cleaning are the best things you can do. Diaper rashes occur equally with cloth diapers and disposables diapers. Some children will get a rash from certain brands of disposable diapers, or from sensitivity to some soaps used in cloth diapers. If you use cloth diapers, bleach them by adding Clorox, Borax, or Purex to the wash. Be sure to rinse the diaper thoroughly.

