


Because the iron is stuck in the mitochondria, the body cannot incorporate it into hemoglobin, which red blood cells need to transport oxygen efficiently throughout the body. This defect in red blood cell production also can alter the iron balance within your child, often resulting in total body iron overload.

Sideroblastic anemia can be either congenital (inherited) or acquired (not inherited). Both types have very differentcauses,treatments和预后。

What are the types of sideroblastic anemia?


Sideroblastic贫血可以分为先天性和被熟悉的形式。获得的贫血更为普遍,几乎完全在老年人中看到。它们通常是仅发生在红细胞前体中导致圆锥细胞响起的红细胞前体中的未植殖基因突变的结果。这种形式的sideroblastic贫血 - 具有环形sideroblasts(RARS)的难治性贫血(RARS) - 被分类在一个更广泛的疾病中myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)and can eventually lead toleukemia。在超过75%的RAR病例中,骨髓细胞在一个称为SF3B1的特定基因中获得了突变。获得的Sideroblastic贫血也可能是由于营养缺乏,获得的代谢性疾病或毒素。

Anemia from a genetic mutation

By contrast, the congenital sideroblastic anemias (CSAs) are inherited diseases caused by genetic mutations that are present at birth in all the cells. Even though the mutations are inherited and present at birth, anemia may not be present in infancy and sometimes may not be recognized until adulthood. Therefore, it is particularly important to distinguish late-onset CSA from an acquired sideroblastic anemia, because they have very different causes, treatments and prognoses.


Children and adolescents with CSA are treated at Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center through ourRare Anemias and Iron Disorders Program。Our Rare Anemias and Iron Disorders Program provides comprehensive care for children with all types of rare anemias and iron disorders, as well as ongoing medical management and access to new treatment approaches through our clinical research.


What are the symptoms of congenital sideroblastic anemia?


  • fatigue
  • 黄疸
  • 易怒
  • exercise/feeding intolerance
  • 劳累呼吸困难
  • 头痛,眩晕

Some forms of CSA are associated with other symptoms or signs outside the blood system. These are referred to as syndromic CSAs. The associated symptoms can include:

  • 发展延迟
  • 耳聋
  • vision loss
  • muscle dysfunction (heart muscle and/or other muscles)
  • 器官衰竭(例如肾脏和/或肝脏)
  • immunodeficiency
  • 发烧
  • acidosis


每种CSA类型都需要测试才能分离。重要的是要了解,CSA的某些症状可能类似于其他更常见的医学问题或其他血液疾病的症状。因为其中一些症状也可以指向其他疾病,并且由于贫血本身可能是另一个医疗问题的症状,因此请您的孩子由合格的医学专家评估,以便准确地评估您的孩子diagnosis and prompt treatment


How is congenital sideroblastic anemia diagnosed?

The specific CSA diagnosis relies on an experienced clinician trained to recognize the characteristics of the anemia (e.g., red blood cell size: microcytic, normocytic or macrocytic), the age of child (or adult) when symptoms are first noticed, and other potential symptoms (such as muscle weakness).


  • 血液检查,包括完整的血液计数
  • 骨髓检查
  • body iron measurements (by laboratory testing, radiology/imaging and/or biopsy of the liver)
  • 分子测试(基因测序,蛋白质研究等)





X-linked sideroblastic anemia (XLSA) can sometimes respond very favorably to treatment with vitamin B6. Unfortunately, none of the other CSAs are known to respond to vitamins or other medical therapies.


Blood transfusions may be given to treat severe anemia. Some children with CSAs may receive repeatedblood transfusions保持其血红蛋白水平足够高以进行常规活动。


CSAs can result in gradual iron overload related to increased daily iron absorption from the gut. Children who have repeated red blood cell transfusions or require chronic transfusions can also quickly become iron overloaded. Without removal of this iron, through chelators, it can build up and become toxic to several vital organs. Children may take chelators orally or by injection in order to remove excess iron from the body.


现在,某些CSA的唯一治疗方法是stem cell transplantfrom another person (donor) to your child. The best transplant outcomes are almost always when the donor is a healthy sibling with compatible stem cells. The stem cells replace the diseased stem cells and restore normal blood production. In the syndromic sideroblastic anemias, disease manifestations unrelated to the bone marrow disease do not get better after bone marrow transplantation.



The long-term outlook for children with CSA depends heavily on the specific type of CSA. A child with CSA will need regular follow-up care by a hematologist.

