

Acongenital heart defect (CHD)is a structural problem of the heart that develops during pregnancy. About one out of 100 babies is born with a congenital heart defect. There are many types of congenital heart defects, ranging from simple to complex. Most are diagnosed and treated early in infancy.

How we care for congenital heart defects

The Boston Children's HospitalBenderson Family Heart Center专门研究出生前后先天性心脏缺陷的整个范围,并在我们的成年期间成人先天性心脏计划


看到complete listof all the congenital heart defects we care for.

What are the symptoms of a congenital heart defect?

Symptoms of congenital heart defects in infants and children include:

  • cyanosis(对皮肤,指甲和嘴唇的蓝色色彩)
  • respiratory distress
  • poor feeding
  • poor weight gain
  • recurrent lung infections
  • 与其他孩子相比,运动或积极锻炼的能力更少

What causes congenital heart disease?

Many congenital heart diseases in babies have a genetic cause. Some known associations include:

If you have a congenital heart defect, we recommend you speak with a遗传顾问或遗传专家在怀孕之前。

How are congenital heart defects diagnosed?

In some cases, congenital heart defects are discovered before a baby is born during afetal ultrasound。出生后不久,某些类型的复杂先天性心脏缺陷显而易见。在孩子年龄较大之前,可能不会发现较少的严重缺陷。医生听到一位先天性心脏缺陷,发现heart murmur



If your child has been diagnosed with a chromosomal or other genetic abnormality, genetic counseling is helpful to determine the risk of heart defects for other children you may have in the future.


Treatment is based on the specific type of congenital heart defect your child has and the severity of the defect. Some mild heart defects don't need any treatment. Others can be treated with medications, interventional procedures, or surgery.

In some cases, if a congenital heart defect is found prenatally, it’s possible to perform a procedure on the child before they are born.

What is the long-term outlook for congenital heart defects?

即使对于最复杂的问题,先天性心脏缺陷的前景也越来越积极。有关孩子心脏缺陷的更多详细信息,search对于特定条件或访问我们的Benderson Family Heart Centerpage.

Congenital Heart Defects |程序和服务
