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What is complex regional pain syndrome?


What are the symptoms of CRPS?

复杂区域疼痛综合征(CRP)的主要症状是严重的,并且在受影响的肢体中长时间疼痛。这种感觉可能像燃烧,射击,刺伤或“销钉和针头”,可以传播到整个肢体上 - 即使最初的受伤是轻微的,或者仅涉及较小的区域,例如手指或脚趾。当孩子试图移动受影响的肢体或在上面减轻体重时,疼痛通常会更糟。CRP的其他常见症状可能包括:

  • allodynia, or increased sensitivity in the affected area, which can make normal contact extremely painful
  • swelling of the affected limb
  • 改变受影响的肢体的颜色,后者可能会变成蓝色,红色,紫色或苍白
  • 变化受影响的肢体的温度,这可能比未受影响的肢体温暖或更凉爽
  • 变化皮肤的质地,可能变薄,干燥和光泽
  • 肢体上的指甲或头发生长的变化
  • 受影响肢体的关节刚度
  • 受影响的肢体运动范围减少
  • 肌张力障碍或受影响肢体的异常运动


CRPS is an abnormal response or overreaction to injury and appears to be the result of damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems. It typically develops after a child has experienced physical trauma to a limb or extremity, although the original injury may be minor. Common triggers associated with CRPS include:

  • sprains
  • 断裂
  • 烧伤
  • 切割
  • limb immobilization (such as wearing a cast)
  • 手术

These injuries can involve damage to nerve fibers, which in turn can contribute to pain, inflammation and blood vessel abnormalities. It isn't yet completely clear why some children develop CRPS and others with similar injuries do not.



临床医生Chronic Pain Clinicat Boston Children's Hospital evaluate and care for children, teens and young adults with a variety of chronic pain conditions including CRPS. Our diverse team of experts takes a holistic approach to chronic pain that addresses its physical, psychological and emotional aspects.

If your child experiences chronic and disabling pain from CRPS, they may qualify for intensive inpatient treatment in theMayo Family Pediatric Pain Rehabilitation Center (PPRC)at Boston Children's Waltham location. Our highly specialized and dedicated team of physical therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, recreational therapist, nurses and physicians work together to provide an individualized treatment plan for each child.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome |Diagnosis & Treatments





物理疗法。运动和物理疗法(PT)是CRPS治疗计划的基石。研究表明,涉及强化运动和PT的程序每天最多六个小时 - 可以改善大多数患有这种情况的儿童的CRP症状。

心理治疗。Psychological approaches including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) have been found to help improve quality of life in people with chronic pain. CBT in particular helps children gain the tools they need to cope with CRPS, which in turn may help relieve pain.

Medication.虽然美国食品和药物管理局not approved any drugs to treat CRPS in children, some physicians may use certain medications to improve pain. These can include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (such as ibuprofen), antidepressants (such as amitriptyline) and anti-seizure drugs (such as gabapentin).


Complex Regional Pain Syndrome |Programs & Services
