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Cloacal exstrophy, also known as OEIS Syndrome, occurs when a portion of the large intestine lies outside of the body, and on either side of it —and connected to it — are the two halves of the bladder. In boys, the penis is usually flat and short, with the exposed inner surface of the urethra on top. The penis is sometimes split into a right and left half. In girls, the clitoris is split and there may be one or two vaginal openings. Cloacal exstrophy (OEIS syndrome) is a very rare birth defect, affecting 1 in every 250,000 births. Although cloacal exstrophy is a serious condition and requires a series of operations, the long-term outcome is good for many children.

What are the signs of cloacal exstrophy?

In cloacal exstrophy, a baby’s bladder is open in the front and the inner surface is exposed on the lower surface of the abdominal wall. The exposed bladder appears as a right and left half, with the large intestine exposed and connected in the middle. This abnormal connection of the intestine and the bladder allows mixing of stool and urine. Cloacal exstrophy can occur as part of OEIS syndrome, which includes anomphalocele, extrophy, imperforate anus and spinal defects. In an omphalocele, some of the abdominal organs protrude through an opening in the lower abdominal wall muscles in the area of the umbilical cord. A translucent membrane covers the protruding organs. The omphalocele may be small, with only a portion of the intestine protruding, or large, with most of the abdominal organs (including intestine, liver and spleen) protruding outside of the body. In an imperforate anus, the anus has not been formed, and the colon connects to the bladder. Sometimes intestine is also present behind the bladder that is not in continuity. Spinal defects may either be major or minor. Many times, children born with cloacal exstrophy are also born with varying degrees of脊柱裂

What causes cloacal exstrophy?

泄殖腔外翻的原因是未知的。它not appear that any medications or activities of the expectant parents have any impact on the development of cloacal exstrophy. Based on our current knowledge, it is very unlikely that this condition can be prevented.


泄殖腔通过一系列操作纠正。临床医生结直肠和骨盆畸形中心at Boston Children’s Hospital have extensive experience in cloacal exstrophy repair and supporting you and your baby throughout the process. Our multidisciplinary team of physicians works together in coordinating initial surgical repair as well as long term follow-up and reconstructive needs.


How is cloacal exstrophy diagnosed?


Other diagnostic tests and procedures can include:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • 在麻醉和内窥镜检查下检查。这涉及插入一种称为内窥镜的小仪器,以查看空心器官的内部,例如直肠,尿道或阴道
  • 腹部超声(sonography). This imaging method is used to view the anatomy of the internal organs as they function, and to assess blood flow







Within the first 24 to 48 hours after your child is born, surgery will likely be performed to repair the omphalocele, to return the protruding organs to the abdomen and close the opening in the abdominal wall. The surgeons will work as a team and include a pediatric urologist and a pediatric colorectal surgeon.


Your child may also need to have a catheter passed intermittently in order to help eliminate urine or a surgical procedure to reroute urine flow.



After treatment



Subsequent surgery

Depending on the amount of colon your child was born with and the nerve and muscle function in your baby's bottom, surgeons may eventually create a rectum and close the stoma. If your child has a significant amount of colon and is able to form solid stool, a surgical procedure known as a "pull-through" may eventually be performed. This surgery involves opening the abdomen to connect the colon to the rectum.


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