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What is a choroid plexus brain tumor?


How are choroid plexus tumors classified?


  • Choroid plexus papillomas (CPPs): These are one of two types of choroid plexus tumor that grow slowly, rarely spread and are by far more common.
  • Atypical plexus papillomas (APPs): Like CPPs, these tumors grow more slowly than their aggressive counterparts and rarely spread.
  • Choroid plexus carcinomas (CPCs)grow more aggressively and are more likely to spread than either APPs or CPPs. CPCs are less common, accounting for 25-35 percent of all choroid plexus tumors.

Choroid plexus papillomas are often easier to treat than carcinomas. An APP can act more aggressive but usually behaves like a CPP.

How we care for choroid plexus brain tumors

Children with choroid plexus tumors are treated through the脑肿瘤中心c atDana-Farber/Boston Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center,一个世界知名的目的地,针对患有恶性和非恶性大脑和脊髓肿瘤的儿童。我们的脑肿瘤专家在治疗包括脉络丛肿瘤在内的所有类型的神经肿瘤方面具有广泛的专业知识。



of Brain tumors can cause a variety of symptoms in children depending on their size and location. Keep in mind that the symptoms of a brain tumor may resemble other more common conditions or medical problems. It is important to consult your child's physician for a diagnosis.

Choroid plexus tumors symptoms are most often associated with increased pressure in the brain and can include:

  • 头痛,通常在早上醒来时
  • irritability, particularly in younger children who can’t express where they have pain
  • 头大小增加(在婴儿中看到)
  • hydrocephalus – blockage of the normal flow of cerebrospinal fluid; pressure can increase in the brain and the skull can enlarge
  • 恶心和呕吐。这些症状通常在早晨更糟,整天有所改善
  • 昏睡
  • problems feeding or walking
  • 扩大的fontanelles,是婴儿头骨骨头之间的“软斑”

What causes choroid plexus tumors?

As a parent, you undoubtedly want to know what may have caused your child’s tumor. It’s important to understand that these and other brain tumors most often occur with no known cause. There’s nothing that you could have done or avoided doing that would have prevented the tumor from developing.

One rare genetic disease called Li-Fraumeni syndrome can be associated with choroid plexus tumors. If your child has a choroid plexus tumor their doctors will talk to you about genetic testing for Li-Fraumeni syndrome.



The first step in treating your child is forming an accurate and complete diagnosis. Choroid plexus tumors are most commonly diagnosed from imaging studies and biopsy.

Choroid plexus tumor diagnostic tests may include:


What are the treatments for choroid plexus tumors?


Choroid plexus tumor treatment may include:

What is the long-term outlook for choroid plexus tumors?

Patients with choroid plexus papilloma do extremely well with surgery. Children with choroid plexus carcinoma have a more guarded prognosis and often require aggressive treatment.

The five-year survival rate for children with CPP is 80 to 100 percent following complete surgical removal of the tumor and about 70 percent with partial removal. CPC requires additional postoperative treatment, with a survival rate of about 60-65 percent.


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